I’ll Escape Your Traps- Dame Speaks Out

Godfred Yeboah Dame


In a dramatic turn of events surrounding the high-profile ambulance purchase trial, Attorney-General and Minister of Godfred Yeboah Dame has delivered a staunch rebuttal to allegations leveled against him, declaring his unwavering resolve in the face of what he perceives as deceit and malice in the legal proceedings.

Amidst the backdrop of intense legal maneuvering, Attorney-General Dame, resolute and steadfast, cited sacred scripture to underscore his belief in the triumph of righteousness over wickedness.

Addressing reporters following a recent court session, he evoked Psalm 5:4-6, proclaiming, “The Lord does not delight in the pleasure of the wicked and that Even though they lay traps for me, I’ll flee from them. The righteous will always prevail over evil.”

The courtroom saga unfolded as lawyers representing the first and third accused individuals presented a flurry of legal challenges pertaining to the conduct of the Attorney-General in the case.

From applications for a stay of proceedings pending appeal to motions for an inquiry into alleged misconduct and mistrial, the legal landscape id brimmed with tension and complexity.

During the proceedings on June 4th, presiding judge Afia Serwah Asare-Botwe acknowledged the multitude of applications submitted by the accused parties, setting the stage for a contentious legal battle that would test the mettle of all involved.

Deputy Attorney-General Alfred Tuah Yeboah ardently opposed a motion seeking to drop charges against the third accused, Richard Jakpa, prompting vigorous exchanges between counsels.

Lead counsel Thaddeus Sory fiercely objected to the affidavit in opposition, contending that it lacked essential particulars and veered into hearsay territory.

In retort, Attorney-General Dame rebuffed the objections, asserting their lack of substance and relevance to the core legal proceedings.
He rebuked the arguments put forth by opposing counsel, characterizing them as baseless attempts to derail the course of justice.

“The objections are duly unfounded and are without merit. The manner in which the objection was raised defeats all requirements of fairness. My lady will note that my learned friend did not state any particulars of the objection. He only refers to specific paragraphs he intends to attack.

“It is not accurate at all for counsel to say that deponent to the affidavit did not disclose the source of his information. I refer to paragraph 1… matters that come to his knowledge in the course of his work. The authorities that my learned friend intended to rely on are irrelevant. In criminal matters he refers to nothing. CI 47 is not applicable to the proceedings before you.

“P16 is a material of fact which ought to be disputed by a supplementary affidavit and not an objection. I submit that the notice of objection is totally offensive to the proceedings before you and ought not to be entertained,” the A-G said.

As the courtroom drama reached its crescendo, Justice Asare-Botwe announced her intent to rule on the pending applications come June 6, eliciting a sense of anticipation and apprehension among the litigants and observers alike.

On the periphery of legal wrangling, accusations have surfaced alleging coercion by the Attorney-General to implicate Minority Leader, Cassiel Ato Forson in the ambulance trial.

The National Democratic Congress unveiled a damning audio recording purportedly capturing conversations between the A-G and Richard Jakpa, sparking a furor of accusations and counterclaims.

Undeterred by the swirling controversy, Attorney-General Dame faces a crucible of conflicting narratives and competing interests, upholding his commitment to justice and ethical governance in the face of adversity.

With the specter of right versus wrong looming large over the legal battlefield, the Ghanaian public awaits the resolution of the ambulance trial, as the wheels of justice turn inexorably towards a verdict that will shape the future trajectory of the nation’s legal landscape.

By Vincent Kubi