RTU Dissolves Board

Group Picture after the meeting


The Northern Regional Minister and the chief patron of Real Tamale United (RTU), Shani Alhassan Shaibu, has announced the dissolution of the club’s board, effective immediately.

The decision was taken last Wednesday after a meeting with the club’s stakeholders at the Northern Regional Coordinating Council.

A release signed by Jawhari Baba-Duah, Acting Board Secretary, stated that a new board would be constituted and communicated to the general public. It will comprise of members from the old players association, supporters union and stakeholders block.

The patron has also appointed Shafianu Zakaria as chairman to constitute an Interim Management Committee (IMC) to supervise the affairs of the club till the end of the 2023/24 season.

“Our teaming supporters are therefore entreated to offer their unflinching support to the IMC to resuscitated the club and bring it out of its current position on the ongoing Ghana Premier League,” the release stated.


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