NDC Drops Forensic Audit Of EC 2024 Voter Register

Dr Omane Boamah


The Opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has expressed its concerns regarding the 2024 Provisional Voters’ Register, citing several irregularities admitted by the Electoral Commission of Ghana.
However the main opposition party has dropped its demand for forensic audit of the electoral roll.

These concerns were addressed in a press statement released today, October 1, 2024, following a special Inter-Party Advisory Committee (IPAC) meeting.

According to the statement, signed by General Secretary Fifi Fiavi Kwetey, the Electoral Commission acknowledged significant issues, including:

– *Illegal voter transfers*: Due to the lack of liveliness test technology, as seen in Pusiga and other constituencies.
– *Erroneous additions*: Previous transfers incorrectly added to the current 2024 transfer list.
– *Corrupted files*: Presence of corrupted files in the 2024 Provisional Voters’ Register, claimed to be rectified and restored.
– *Deleted voters*: Voters incorrectly removed, proposed to be placed on a Missing Voters register.
– *Vulnerable IT system*: Susceptible to data manipulation and infiltration by officials and non-officials with login credentials.

In light of these admissions, the NDC’s Functional Executive Committee has accepted the Electoral Commission’s promise to release an updated version of the 2024 Provisional Voters’ Register for scrutiny within one week.

The NDC also welcomes the decision to re-exhibit the updated register.

However, the party recommends conducting the re-exhibition exercise both online and offline at exhibition centers.

Moreover, the NDC demands a multi-stakeholder examination of the Electoral Commission’s IT system to address its vulnerabilities.

“The vulnerabilities in the IT system of the Electoral Commission can be exploited by criminals to compromise the integrity of the December 07, 2024 elections if not addressed,” stated Fifi Fiavi Kwetey.

The Electoral Commission’s exhibition procedures typically allow voters to verify their details, request amendments, and raise objections to unqualified persons on the register.

-BY Daniel Bampoe

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