Accept It When You Lose – Chief To Mahama

John Mahama 

The Mafiahene of Sefwi Juaboso in the Western North Region, Nana Kojo Oppong III, has blatantly told former President John Dramani Mahama, flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), to accept defeat when he loses the December 7 presidential election.

“In this year’s elections, anything can happen; either you will lose or win. If you lose accept it but when you win it will be a credit to you. What we don’t want is chaos after the elections,” the chief counselled.

“We want peace to prevail in the country from now until the election day and after, because without peace we cannot do anything. We cannot go to the farm if there is no peace in our area. We have only one Ghana and when there is war, we have nowhere to go,” he added.

The chief, who said this during a durbar at Mafia, attended by the former President as part his campaign in the area, reminded the former President that his predecessor Prof. Atta Mills (now deceased) used to say “As for us, we want peace,” and he must always pay heed to it.

Mahama Speech

The NDC flagbearer, when he started addressing the gathering, said “hoot at anybody who will say I, John Dramani Mahama, will come and cancel free SHS.”

He claimed that the Free SHS policy, which has put about 1.2 million children in secondary schools free of charge, had brought hardships to parents.

He said there had been so much propaganda against him that he is returning to power to cancel the policy, insisting rather that “I will come and make it better because it has brought hardships and inconveniences to parents.”

He said the NPP hurriedly implemented the free SHS without taking into consideration accommodation for the students, adding, “The student population is now very high so the parents have to find accommodation for their children who gain admission.”

From Emmanuel Opoku, Takoradi