Adjetey Anang Denies Cheating Sexually


Even though renowned actor, Adjetey Anang has confessed in his book that he cheated on his wife multiple times both physically and emotionally, he has come back to say sex was not part of his cheating.

In chapter 9 of the book titled, ‘Adjetey Anang: A Story of Faith, Imperfection and Resilience’, he narrated how he ended up cheating on his wife.

He wrote, “You could say I was naive from the start about subtle amorous hints and perhaps made a lot of assumptions about people’s motives till it was too late. Soon, I got bolder, more daring, and adventurous, and sometimes I initiated flirtatious conversations and led many on,”

“I have been in very compromising situations with ladies. Some started as admiration and fun and after frequent chats, developed into flirting and occasionally went too far,” he revealed on page 115 of the book.

“Yes, I have cheated on my wife before in the various forms that cheating could be defined as, both emotionally and physically,” he added.

However, the actor has come back to say that sex was not part of his cheating claims.

He told GTV’s Breakfast Show that the inappropriate behaviors he mentioned in the book never got to physical sex.

According to him, he never had sexual intercourse with any other woman apart from his wife.

“And when I say cheating… for the most part, people think… we conclude that there were sexual affairs.

Even the good book tells that, when a woman walks and you look at them lustfully, in your mind, you have sinned, that’s cheating. There is emotional, there’s mental, and the physical as well,” he indicated.

“So in my bid to explain, that covers a whole spectrum of… ‘I hug you for example’ and my mind is like…I am thinking lustfully of you, that’s cheating.

You can’t limit it, otherwise, we get away with some things…that thought should run through me with only my partner… no no no, I am not going to say that I slept with anybody. In my thought processing, that is where cheating happens,” he added.