Aflao SECTECH Lacks Furniture

The Aflao Community Day Senior High Technical School which became topical a few months ago is now ready to admit students, the Ketu South Municipal Director of Education had said.

Mr. Michael Yao Tsuiatorfe in an interview with the media announced that the school has been given the green light to admit students for the new academic year.

To this end, the Ghana Education Service (GES) has posted a headmaster; Shadrach Kwame Abiwu to the school to oversee its operationalization.

The school which is located at Agblekpui is about  96 percenter complete, has about 24 classrooms, staff offices, science and computer laboratories, washrooms among others. It has a capacity of 1200 students.

Ketu South Municipal Director of Education, Mr. Michael Yao Tsuiatorfe (in smock) and Headmaster, Shadrach Kwame Abiwu

Unfortunately, the school has no furniture and teachers’ accommodation.

GES is currently receiving applications for teacher postings since the facility has no teachers yet.


The school is one of the E-Block projects inherited by the current NPP government from the then NDC government in 2016. It was awarded in July 2015 and is expected to be completed in October 2016.

However, that did not happen. The current government in the quest to expand access to secondary education purposed to complete the project.

As of October 2021, the GES said it was 96 percent complete; yet it was still not in use.

The Paramount Chief of the Aflao Traditional Area, Togbe Adzonugaga Amenya Fiti V at the time expressed dissatisfaction with the state of the school and gave the government up to February 2022 to open it for use by the young people in his area.

According to him, should the school be opened his young subjects will benefit from the Free SHS Programme.

The government assured him that plans were far advanced to put the school to use.

It is therefore a big relief that the school has been given the green light to admit students for the new academic year.

Process Begins

On Wednesday, April 13, 2022, the Municipal Director, Mr. Tsuiatorfe, and the Headmaster, Mr. Abiwu led a delegation to formally inform the Paramount Chief, Togbe Fiti about the development.

The Chief thanked the government for heeding his counsel and urged them to ensure all the needed resources are allocated to ensure the smooth running of the school.

He also urged residents, businesses, and philanthropists within the Municipality and beyond to come to the aid of the school; especially in the area of accommodation for the Headmaster and other staff members.

The Municipal Education Director revealed that procurement of furniture by the GES is underway hence, parents and students can feel free and apply to the school.

A tour of the facility showed remnants of equipment of the contractor on the bushy compound.  Materials like paints and brushes had also been stored in some of the classrooms. The entire edifice was dusty and dirty.

From Fred Duodu, Aflao (
