Asanteman Holds You In High Esteem – Mamponghene To Bawumia

Dr. Bawumia addressing Nananom in Kumasi on Monday 


VICE PRESIDENT Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia’s hopes of leading the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) as presidential candidate to retain power on December 7, has been given a massive support.

The Ashanti Regional House of Chiefs, whose members are from an area considered as the NPP’s stronghold during elections, has stated emphatically that they value Dr. Bawumia and his good works.

Asante Mampong Paramount Chief, Daasebre Osei Bonsu II, who chaired the House on behalf of Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, said members of the House value Dr. Bawumia, thus, their eagerness to meet and listen to his vision.

According to him, the enthusiasm and anticipation of some members of the Ashanti Regional House of Chiefs, especially the queenmothers, in welcoming the Vice President on Monday was very encouraging.

“For the record, Your Excellency, you are the first dignitary, external dignitary, that’s non-member of this House and a non-member of Asanteman, who is paying us a visit and Nananom, especially some of the queenmothers were here before 9am.

“For the record, this shows the high esteem that we accord you and hold you. Nananom clap for him,” the Asante Mamponghene stated, attracting applause from his audience.

This was when the NPP presidential candidate visited the House to explain his vision and plans to transform the country as president to them as part of his campaign tour of the Ashanti Region yesterday.

Touching on the performance of the Vice President during the last seven and half years, the Asante Mamponghene said he was thrilled and impressed, especially about Dr. Bawumia’s performance in the area of digitalisation.

“The digitalisation agenda championed by Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia is a bold step towards transforming Ghana,” said the Asante Mamponghene, stressing that the digitalisation agenda could indeed help transform the country.

“It is not just about modernising our systems, but about creating a future where every Ghanaian can benefit from the efficiencies and opportunities that come with a digital economy,” the traditional leader noted.

According to him, the benefits of digitalisation to the Ghanaian economy and the lives of the citizenry are enormous, therefore, the populace should wholeheartedly support the government’s digitalisation agenda.

Daasebre Osei Bonsu II advised that, “we must all embrace this change and support Dr. Bawumia’s vision to transform the country through digitalisation,” adding that all hands must be brought on board to champion the digitisation agenda.

Dr. Bawumia, on his part, said when he becomes president, he would make sure that traditional leaders would be given key roles to play in the fight against illegal mining, popularly called ‘galamsey’.

According to him, the activities of illegal miners were seriously affecting the environment, hence the need to bring all major stakeholders onboard, especially chiefs, to help save the environment from further damage.

The Dr. Bawumia said his administration would introduce a policy where small scale miners would be stationed at a defined area to operate under supervision to avert the destruction of the environment.


FROM I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr., Kumasi