Bawumia Clarifies Statement On Churches And Developmental Projects


In a recent meeting with the Clergy in the North East Region as part of his nationwide tour, the flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, has addressed the controversy surrounding his remarks on incentivizing churches for their developmental initiatives, retracting the statement as a jest rather than a policy proposal.

Dr. Bawumia clarified that his initial comments on churches and incentivization may have been misinterpreted, emphasizing that he was joking when he suggested the government should consider rewarding churches instead of taxing them.

The Vice President highlighted the significant contributions of churches and faith-based organizations to the country, such as the establishment of schools, hospitals, and other essential infrastructure, underscoring the need to support their efforts further.

Reflecting on the substantial impact of churches on various sectors, Dr. Bawumia stated, “Look at the number of hospitals the churches have built. Look at the number of universities the churches have built and the faith-based organizations have built. Look at the number of people the churches and faith-based organizations take care of on a daily basis.”
He stressed the vital role churches play in society and the potential crisis that would arise if their contributions were suddenly removed.

The supposed misconstrued remark was initially made during a meeting with the clergy in the Bono East region on May 10, where Dr. Bawumia had highlighted the extensive work done by churches in Ghana and proposed incentivizing them to bolster their developmental projects instead of imposing taxes.

Dr. Bawumia further clarified, “I don’t see and I will not have a situation where we are taxing churches. We will rather want to give churches incentives to support what the government is doing.” He proposed that churches could become domestic development partners, akin to international development partners, and receive incentives to enhance their contributions to national development.

The Vice President’s clarification seeks to address any misunderstandings that may have arisen from his initial remarks, emphasizing that his intention was to acknowledge and support the impactful work of churches in Ghana’s societal development.

By Vincent Kubi