Court Issues Bench Warrant for Arrest of Bloom Bar and East End Bistro Owners

Edem Keith Aweke and Kofi Adjei Maafo


An Accra High Court has issued bench warrants for the arrest of Edem Keith Aweke and Kofi Adjei Maafo, owners of Bloom Bar, due to their repeated failure to attend court without justification in a quasi-criminal matter.


Edem Keith Aweke and Kofi Adjei Maafo are the proprietors of Blue Chip Hospitality Limited (Blue Chip). Blue Chip entered into a tenancy agreement with The Secret Garden for the rental of the latter’s property in Cantonments, which they used for a restaurant called East End Bistro.

However, Aweke and Adjei Maafo have failed to pay rent as stipulated in the tenancy agreement. Consequently, The Secret Garden filed a writ and statement of claim against Blue Chip, seeking their eviction from the property due to non-payment of rent.

During the pending suit, The Secret Garden discovered that Blue Chip had publicly listed the property for sale to a third party for USD 380,000. The Secret Garden then applied for an injunction to prevent Blue Chip and its agents from transferring any interest in the property, arguing that the property did not belong to them. The court granted the injunction.

Despite this, Blue Chip allegedly violated the court’s orders and transferred their interest in the property to La Maison.