E/R: Chiefs Endorse Bawumia’s Presidential Bid


In a significant show of support, prominent chiefs in the Eastern Region have endorsed Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, the 2024 presidential candidate of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP).

The chiefs, revered leaders in their respective communities, have urged their residents to vote for Dr Bawumia in the upcoming general elections.

During a three-day tour of the Eastern Region, Dr Bawumia paid courtesy calls to key prominent chiefs, including Nene Sakite II, President of the Eastern Regional House of Chiefs and Paramount Chief of Manya Krobo Traditional Council, Odedeho Kwafo Akoto III, Akwamuhene, Otobour Gyan Kwasi II, Aburihene and some Divisional chiefs in Okere, Asesewa, and Anum Boso respectively.

The chiefs commended Dr Bawumia for his humble character and praised his efforts to modernize Ghana’s economy through digitalization.

They highlighted his introduction of the digitalization agenda as a visionary move that sets him apart from his opponents.

The chiefs also hailed the ruling government for undertaking massive developmental projects in their areas, which have improved the lives of their people.

These projects include Infrastructure development, Healthcare Improvement, Education enhancement and Economic empowerment.

The endorsement of Dr Bawumia by the prominent chiefs is a significant boost to his campaign. Their influence and respect in their jurisdiction will likely sway many voters to support Dr Bawumia’s bid for the presidency.

In Aburi, Otobour Gyan Kwasi II openly endorsed Dr Bawumia’s presidential bid and ordered his linguist to pour libation to seek blessings from the ancestors for Dr Bawumia.

At Okere, the chiefs fully endorsed Dr Bawumia’s presidential bid, citing his digitalization agenda and the NPP government’s developmental projects in the area.

The Akwamuhene, Odeneho Kwafo Akoto III, advised Dr Bawumia to focus on communication skills to effectively sell his campaign messages to the public.

Dr. Bawumia’s digitalization agenda is part of his broader vision for Ghana, which includes transforming the economy, improving healthcare, education, and infrastructure, and enhancing the lives of Ghanaians.

During his engagements with the chiefs and residents, Dr Bawumia explained that if he wins the 2024 elections, his government will: amend the Chieftaincy Act to restore some powers to traditional leaders and establish a fund for the development of the chieftaincy institution

Dr Bawumia emphasized that traditional rulers seem to be marginalized in the governance system, and restoring some powers to them will bring more respect to the Chieftaincy institution and reduce the backlog of local disputes in law courts.

He also stated that his government would prioritize the development of the chieftaincy institution and ensure that traditional leaders play a significant role in governance.

Dr. Bawumia urged the chiefs to vote for him if they were satisfied with the work of the ruling NPP government, so he could do more to transform the country.

He emphasized that his opponent, John Mahama, can only serve as president for four years if elected, which is not enough to make any meaningful difference in the country’s developmental drive.

Meanwhile, Dr Bawumia is expected to continue his second phase of the Community Connect Campaign tour in the Eastern Region from 9th to 11th August and 15th to 17 August, respectively.

BY Daniel Bampoe