ECOWAS/AU: Time To Mash It Up In Niger


When Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and his compatriots formed the Organization of Africa Unity (OAU), they also proposed the formation of Africa Rapid Reaction Force (ARRF).  The idea was to get a standby army to go to the aid of any member state that was attacked. It was tailored to look like the Charter of the United Nations where an attack on one nation is an attack on all.

The idea died young because Africa Heads of State then were busy consolidating their power basis. Before they could blink an eye, the Khaki boys started usurping power here and there.  Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, the proponent of the ARRF had his fair share when General Kotoka and his fellow mutineers seized power in 1966. The clock of progress started ticking backwards.

The soldiers who knew nothing about governance turned things upside down and economies started to crumble in Africa.  The Organization of Africa Unity became a toothless bulldog and the dream of Africa Unity became a mirage.

Today, madness has once again gone into the heads of our soldiers who are seizing power in many Africa nations. But times have changed so they are biting more than what they could chew. West Africa and Africa for that matter are not ready to swallow this madness.

The era of none interference of the affair of other nations is gone with the wind. When the leadership of ECOWAS threatened to use force to dislodge the coup makers of Niger, my heart rose with joy. I told myself: The sleeping tiger has woken up.  In fact when the Chairman of ECOWAS asked the leadership of the military of member states to meet to plan towards the impending invasion, I smiled with joy.  The truth is that the worse civilian regime is far better that the best military regime.

ECOWAS must act and act quickly. The Junta must not be given any room to dig in.  They will hand over power or face the full military power of ECOWAS. Nothing should be opened to negotiation or discussion. The leadership of the junta should be chased from place to place until there is no hiding place for them.

We have an example to follow when it comes to issues like this in Africa. When the late Iddi Amin Dada seized power in Uganda and overthrew the government of Milton Obote, he set out to brutalize the people of Uganda.

He killed, maimed and banished many Ugandans while the OAU looked on, helpless. Julous Nwalimu Nyerere, the then President of Tanzania took matters into his own hands and invaded Uganda. The battle to unseat Iddi Amin was rough and nasty but at the end of the day, Iddi Amin had to run into exile to return no more. Obote was reinstated and the people of Uganda saw peace.

Charles Taylor was fooling around in Liberia when he declared war on that country and with his ruthless rebels, the people of Liberia saw fire. Hands of innocent children, men and women  were amputated and the country was in chaos. The ECOWAS formed the Economic Community of West Africa States Monitering Group (ECOMOG) which went to Liberia as peace keepers.

It was not easy but Charlse Taylor was driven into exile in Nigeria. When he tried to runaway and sneak to Liberia to continue his barbaric act, he was arrested, handed over to the International War Crime Tribunal. He was tried, found guilty and jailed for fifty years. He is still languishing in jail and may die there.

Yahaya Jammeh seized power in Gambia and ruled with iron hands. He lost an election and refused to hand over power. Many Gambians and other nationals of West Africa states were brutally killed when he was in power. President Sirlif Johnson was the president of Liberia and Chair Person of ECOWAS.

The regional body threatened to use force to dislodge Jammeh from Gambia for democracy to prevail.  In fact, ECOWAS moved troops to the borders of Gambia and demanded that Jammeh leaves or face the might of the ECOWAS troops. Fearing for his life, the coward quickly boarded a plane and flew to exile. He has since been declared wanted in Gambia.

Undoubtedly,  What is happening in Niger has the full support of Russia and the Wagner Group of mercenaries like what is happening in Burkina Faso and Mali, the Wagner Group wants to seize the chaos to plunder  mineral resources of that country, particularly Uranium which Niger has in abundance and which Russia needs badly. Russia is losing the war in Ukraine and wants to use Africa as a distraction to their failure to capture Ukraine. Putin wants to safe face and make Africa see him as a friend.

The world must not be deceived by the hired crowd jubilating in Niger because that is what all Africans do whenever there is a Coup de Etat. Opposition parties and their supporters are always quick to jubilate anytime the incumbent government is overthrown by the Khaki boys.  Wait and see how another crowd will jubilate if ECOWAS is able to dislodge the usurpers of power. It is an African scourge.

When ECOWAS begins the onslaught which I pray they do very soon, countries like Mali and Burkina Faso should keep their distance. Their threat of joining the fray will be suicidal not only to their leaders but the citizens of their respective countries.

They will be putting the lives of their citizens in harm’s way. Every country in West Africa and Africa as a whole now has a decision to make. They are either with the ECOWAS forces or with the military junta in Niger. After dislodging the junta any country that will harbor the leadership of the usurpers of power should be considered as a hostile nation and will share in their fate.

The civilized world is rallying to ECOWAS side. They understand that if ECOWAS fails to act decisively and the leadership of the junta go unpunished, West Africa and Africa will continue to wallow in poverty because other hotheaded soldiers will go the way the Nigerien soldiers are going.

By Eric Bawah

