Endlessly Sulking

I haven’t heard an apology yet for branding all of us in the motherland as suffering from dementia. Voters realised the insults were too much and decided to vote to end it all. That is politics; you get booted out temporarily or permanently. Remember the Mahatir Mohammed comeback. Even though voters wanted permanent booting, the greedy in pain is embarking on a return. So, arrogantly, he owes no one an apology for telling compatriots they have short memory.

Certain words pass through my ears; appear in my eyes followed by pictures. Strangely, the pictures often say, ‘look who is talking’ as if he knows not what he is saying because he seems to be condemning himself. Take his version of ‘untested leader.’ It seems to say ‘I have been tried, tested and proven a failure’ because it was with incompetence yielding no dividend but debt to citizens.

Possibly, he knows something that my compatriots don’t know because he ignores the septuagenarian boss and rather attacks the number two man taking him for the ?sono 2020 flagbearer. I think he dreads another million-vote losing difference; although during his old school visit, the top man said no definite ‘no’ running again in 2020.

Indeed, the number two man’s specialty is the economy, which he pilots as chair of the motherland economic management team. Mr Incompetence, however, dared enter the unchartered territory of ‘dollar does not expire.’ I am sure as one constituency one million dollars expires not so do the million and million and many other millions of dollars contracted debts do not expire. Paying that off makes times hard.

The motherland’s roads, unemployment and whatever else problems are not being fixed with speed because whatever money comes in is being used to service the massive debts he and his chop, chop amp?br? appointees incurred. Every pesewa earned now goes into servicing those debts left behind from acts of incompetence.

He should tell everyone how he would manage the motherland again without contracting even more loans. I wonder what the nurses think when they hear him say he would employ more of them. Although he wouldn’t employ a single nurse for five continuous years, his successor has managed to employ thousands. I believe the nurses would ask him how he would employ them in the future when someone is employing them now.

After declaring they had created, looted, shared and eaten the motherland meat to the bone, he and his gang of so many thieves proceeded to suck the marrow from the bone. So the economic legacy was bones and bones of debt. The John IV reign was that of financial boom for the motherland and yet not much to show for it because the prosperity went into congress private pockets.

The traditional cocoa money income jumped in leaps and bounds with the highest earning dollar in history at the same time as the quantity hit beyond one million metric tons. That is what ?sono Kokuroko bequeathed to his congress people. Not just that; the predecessor also left for congress black gold, oil and its other money-making gas.

Really, only the incompetent would leave over 70% debt to GDP ratio with extremely little to show for the massive borrowing in addition to historic cocoa volume and price plus oil plus gas. If he wants to know what is being done, he should make time off the talk to visit the real projects that are being undertaken with the dollar he thinks has expired.

He is the one who has forgotten so soon that he left less than bone because he squandered the historic earnings from cocoa, gold, oil and gas. The public money was misdirected into chopping schemes: judgment debt, merchant bank liquidation, school building loan. He borrowed to strangle, choke, stifle and squeeze his successor. He is complaining his people stole from his election war chest he had built with our money.

Brooding in a bad mood as if permanently mourning a historic defeat.  It could move one deliriously into delusion. Useful and helpful public talk demands deep thought in reflection. Where that is not done but emotions are allowed to push to drift into unhelpful mood swings, talk becomes crooked and possibly self-destructing. That is why the wise would say it is too early to try to recover over one million votes if an election is lost by that margin. Verbum sapienti sat, they say in Latin or contrarily in English ‘not a word to the unwise foolish is enough. And yes: ‘?banyansafo wobu no b? na w?nka no as?m’.

By Kwasi Ansu-Kyeremeh
