Four More To Do More Is Now A Reality!

The voice of the people, they say, is the voice of the BeardedĀ Old Man above. Since the people have overwhelmingly endorsed President Nana Dee for four more years to do more for his compatriots, we can safely say his second bid at the presidency had been ordained from above. Congratulations to Nana Dee and the whole Elephant family.

Did I hear you say he only won by a smaller margin than he did the last time? Yes, the 500,000 plus votes difference between him and Mr. Dead Goat might be smaller compared to the 2016 margin, but it is still a very huge endorsement of the President. Considering the fact that we once had a candidate ascending the presidential throne with a measly 41,000 vote difference, a margin of 500,000 plus cannot be a small margin – no matter how one looks at it.

Of course, we all expected it to be ‘boom-boom’ as President Nana Dee had requested during the campaign. With the President’s splendid first term performance, many had expected the ‘boom-boom’ theory to widen the gap for him. Perhaps, that is where the disappointment sets in.

But, trust me, the margin does not matter to some of us. Any margin will suffice provided it is enough to ensure Mr. Dead Goat does not resurrect. I’m still in the victory mood and cannot thank my compatriots enough for resisting the sweet promises of Mr. Dead Goat and his party.

Without a shred of doubt, it is the most efficiently managed polls in the history of the country. There was no queue at the polling station so I spent less than five minutes to go through the whole process. The Electoral Commission (EC) deserves commendation for creatively reducing congestion at pollingĀ stations.

Like any human endeavour, there were some glitches in the computation of the results. But they were too few to affect the credibility of the overall results. It is the reason some are surprised at the claim by Mr. Dead Goat and his party that it was a flawed election.

Many are, however, not surprised becauseĀ those under the eagle-headed Umbrella are only exhibiting traits of a drowning person. They are only clutching at straws to ensure survival. The ‘flipping seats’ press conference, a replica of Koku’s infamous ‘comfortable lead’, is a mind game tool in power politics. But not providing any evidence to support their claim makes the Umbrella folks look foolish and desperate in the eyes of the public.

Unlike its main opponent who used a sophisticated system to collate most of its electoral results within eight hours,Ā Zu-za only relied on the media to spoon-feed it. No wonder it has no results to support its emotive claim that it had won the 2020 election.

Indeed, the ‘sovereign will’ of the people is not determined on the whimsical and emotional pronouncements of a ‘dead’ politician desperately seeking resurrection. The will of the people is evident on the face of the pink sheets, and not on the lips of those who believe and engage in Political masturbation.

Frankly, I do understand Mr. Dead Goat and his party folks. The little psychology I know tells me they are going through the stages of grief – denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. It must be noted that people who are grieving do not necessarily go through the stages in the same order or experience all of them.

I vividly remember how the Great Elephant and those of us sympathetic to it denied being losers of the 2012 polls.Ā  It took us eight months to move from denial to acceptance, courtesy of the Supreme Court ruling. With the belligerence of Mr. Dead Goat on full display, I wonder if he and his folks would ever reach the acceptance stage.

If I were a leading member of the Umbrella, I would ask myself very pertinent questions. How come the party did so well in the parliamentary elections but could not replicate same in the presidential? Could that not be an indication of how the voters distrust our presidential candidate?

Abusuapanin, do not be deceived. The endgame to all the cacophony is to make sure Mr. Dead Goat maintains the position as Umbrella’s candidate at the next polls. With the claim that his 2020 victory was stolen, it will be foolhardy for interested opponents to contest him in the party’s primaries for the 2024 polls.

In the meantime, those of us from the Elephant stock will continue to bask in the glory because we are of the conviction Nana Dee will do more for the country in the next four years. As for Mr. Dead Goat and his ilk, they must be reminded that when you leave your pot of food on fire unattended to, you don’t blame the pot for giving you burnt food.

See you next week for another interesting konkonsa, Deo volente

