Frank Naro Eyes Global Market

Frank Osei aka Frank Naro


Frank Osei, a talented young musician and songwriter better known in the entertainment world as Frank Naro, has set his eyes on the international music industry in order to achieve a breakthrough.

The musician, who is gradually advancing his career, envisions himself as an established name in the global music scene in a few years to come.

He thinks that his songs will have an impact on the worldwide music business.

According to him, he is determined to elevate Ghanaian music to the next level so that it can reach a large number of people with a message that would improve their lives.

Frank Naro hinted that his current goal is to promote his music worldwide, regardless of language or culture, adding he feels that with the correct investment and promotion, his music can be heard on a global scale.

This talented actor and singer with a large social media following, who is currently receiving positive reviews, has worked with a number of artists, including Quamina MP, Amerado, Fameye, Jino Biom, and Medikal.

He is well-known for songs like Koom, I Like It, Ye Gyina Mu, Twa Me 2, Do Me, Funny Love, Cheat, and Show Me The Way, among others. He is anticipated to rise to prominence in the music industry and dominate the international scene in the near future.

Now, all streaming services have all of his songs, and YouTube also has his music videos.

Frank Naro’s tracks are well-liked by many music fans home and abroad, therefore it’s not surprising that the artist will climb the charts in the next few weeks.

The son of international football player Cristiano Romaldo, CR7 Junior, recently listened to some of Frank Naro’s tracks and said that he stands out among some of his peers.

He’s one of the few people whose creative talents aren’t limited to a single media.

Has released over ten tracks and he is expected to become well-known in Ghanaian music very soon because of his unique delivery style.

Frank is driven to set high standards in Ghana’s music industry, so he is working really hard to get himself on the music chart as soon as feasible.


By George Clifford Owusu