GNPC Ghana’s Fastest Human Race Exceeds Target

Youth and Sports Minister Mustapha Ussif (in smock), Brobby (in sun glasses) with some of the athletes at the Tamale Meet


The founder of Ghana’s foremost athletics competition – GNPC Ghana Fastest Human Race, Reks Brobby, has described the maverick initiative as a huge success.

To him, he looks back after eleven successive years of competitions across the nation with great pride.

So far, the project which centres on discovering athletic talents in sprint events has produced great athletes – some of whom have represented Ghana well locally and globally.

And expressing satisfaction after organising it consistently – six events per year, Brobby said, “Since 2013, we at GNPC Ghana’s Fastest Human have focused on Sprints, with Ghana’s local scene as our main playground, and a goal to make Ghana sprinting sexy. I can say without doubt that we have exceeded our target.

“In the past eleven consistent years, from April to August each year, we organise 100 meter competitions all over the country for U-15, U-18 and seniors over 18 in both male and female categories.

“The winners from each region are then brought to one location in September to find out whom, amongst the regional winners, becomes Ghana’s Fastest Human for the year.”

He added, “This exercise continues to attract a lot of local talent, and with help from the Athletics Association and other individuals, athletics scholarships are extended to some to go further their career in the NCAA system in the US, which then polishes the athletes for Ghana to take advantage of during the international scene.

“For the ones that aren’t able to go to the US,  four of the best are selected and for one year, GNPC Ghana’s Fastest Human takes care of everything for them locally, school with tutors, accommodation, nutrition, medical, a sports psychologist for them, the best local sprinting coaches and all clad in Adidas.

“We purposely make a huge deal of them during this one year, in an effort to entice others to strive harder to become one of the elite in the Speedsters Club, as we believe that this pushes all the other sprinters to want to do better.

“There have been several success stories associated with past winners of this programme, and they have gone on to represent Ghana proudly, all over the world.”

By Kofi Owusu Aduonum