Gonja King Warns Mischievous Youth

The newly renovated Jakpa Palace


The Office of the Yagbonwura, King of Gonjaland has issued a word of caution to some persons with a penchant for dragging the name of the Palace in the public domain in furtherance of their individual political interests.

A 14th May, 2024 statement is a reaction to a story headlined “Opposition of the Commissioning of the Renovated Jakpa Palace” in which a group of young men stated their opposition to the commissioning of the facility.

“The attention of the Jakpa Palace has been drawn to a purported press release by unknown group of young men to the above headline” the Palace stated.

“It is instructive to be clear on the legality and traditional jurisprudence of the said group; the group is not a registered group in any circle, be it economic or social services, traditionally it is alien to the palace and has no traditional authority over anything,” the statement indicated.

The Palace stated that at a time when the youth should be engaged in development oriented ventures, “a section of the youth in Gonjaland want to draw the most revered traditional symbol of authority in Gonjaland, the Great Jakpa Palace to the gutters.”

Continuing, the statement pointed out that the Jakpa Palace is home to every well meaning Ghanaian who believes in development.

“As the symbol that unites us as a people, acts of division, hatred and regression must not be tolerated by anyone.

Therefore, the Palace can no longer sit aloof and watch a section of the youth who have decided to handle matters that bother on the image of the kingdom in any form that always brings disgrace and disappointment to the Palace,” it stressed.

It would be recalled that following the renovation of the Jakpa Palace by Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia in furtherance of a promise he made earlier, a group of NDC youth have sought to through mud at the project.

Another Gonja youth had also disseminated a story which turned out to be untrue when they claimed that President Akufo-Addo had ordered the King to stand and greet him.

By A.R. Gomda