Hope Has Never Been ‘A Plan’ – The Idea Of A New Ghana Is Dr. Bawumia


Now, faith is confidence in what we hope for, so the idea of Ghana should inspire hope in which faith can be harnessed for progress and prosperity of this beautiful land. When every single youth you engage with questions the broils of hope as if it is nothing to consume on, then you know we are in trouble.

As the days draw forth to December, we are either going to vote for a cataclysmic disaster or for a complete overhaul of how our systems function. My greatest concern is, whichever way we choose to vote, based on opportunities in the impending democratic exercise, the youth must be the greatest beneficiaries. Whoever is accelerating towards 2024 with victory has a lot to do for the youth of this country.

How grotesque is it, for a political party not to stand for anything and only be united by the fact that the global economic outlook is bad, and as a result, a candidate should be voted for!! Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia stands apart as an instrument of hope, not merely by his words but through his actions and achievements. The idea of a new Ghana under his leadership transcends mere hope and transitions into tangible plans, strategies, and implementations that promise to rejuvenate this great nation.

It is very necessary for us to remember that hope is not a strategy. It is the spark that ignites the engine of faith, but without concrete plans and actionable steps, it remains just that—a spark. Dr. Bawumia’s vision for Ghana goes beyond rhetoric; it is rooted in his track record of innovation, digitalisation, and economic reforms. His leadership exemplifies the very essence of turning hope into reality, and faith into progress towards actionable ventures.

From my heart to the youth

Every youth in Ghana today must see the future through the lens of possibility that Dr. Bawumia offers. His journey from humble beginnings to the cusp of the presidency is a testament to what can be achieved with perseverance, intelligence, and a heart dedicated to service. It is this spirit that must inspire our youth to believe in a future where they are not just passive recipients of political promises but active participants in a thriving economy.

As we approach the critical elections, the choice is clear: vote for progress, vote for transformation, vote for a future where the youth are not left behind but are at the forefront of national development.

The challenges we face are daunting, but with the right leadership, they are not insurmountable. Dr. Bawumia’s policies aim to create a digitalised economy, provide ample job opportunities, and ensure that every Ghanaian, regardless of background, has a fair shot at success.

I repeat, It is not enough for a political party to capitalise on global economic woes and offer no substantial plan for the nation’s future. We need leaders who are not only aware of the challenges but are equipped with the knowledge and vision to overcome them.

Imagine Ghana as a ship navigating through a stormy sea. Many leaders might merely point out the ferocity of the storm and urge the crew to hope for the best. However, Dr. Bawumia steps up as the seasoned captain who not only acknowledges the storm but also has a well-charted course to steer the ship to calmer waters. He doesn’t just promise safety; he provides a clear, actionable plan to get there, ensuring that every crew member knows their role and how they contribute to the journey.

This is the difference between merely hoping for better conditions and actively creating them through strategic, informed action. In simpler terms, Dr. Bawumia embodies this leadership, offering a roadmap that promises not just hope, but concrete, measurable progress.

Moreover, the idea of a new Ghana is not just about economic and digital transformation. It is about a cultural and social renaissance where every citizen feels valued and included. Dr. Bawumia’s vision encompasses a holistic approach to development, where infrastructure, healthcare, education, and social services are enhanced with technological inputs to ensure a higher quality of life for all Ghanaians.


In conclusion, let us not be swayed by the pessimism of those who see only doom and gloom. Instead, let us rally behind a leader who understands that hope alone is not a plan, but that faith, coupled with action, can transform our beloved Ghana.

Dr. Bawumia’s vision for a new Ghana is a call to action for every citizen to believe in the possibilities ahead and to work together towards a brighter, more prosperous future. As we get closer to elections, let us choose wisely, let us choose progress, let us choose Dr. Bawumia. For in his leadership, the idea of a new Ghana is not just a dream—it is a reality waiting to unfold. I LOVE GHANA!!!
