I Prefer the Living-Dog To the Dead-Goat!

President Ogwafunu attracted a lot of commentary with a post on his Facebook wall last week. He posted a goat and a dog to represent himself and President Nana Dee respectively. One couldn’t help but appreciate the humorous side of the former President.

He made the post following President Nana Dee’s comment that all the name-calling and desperate efforts to link him to corruption would fail because he had proven over the decades to be incorruptible. Alluding to the proverbial dog that is given a bad name in order to be hanged, he likened himself to a stubborn dog that would resist all efforts to hang it.

In his bid to equalize, having been christened ‘Mr Dead-Goat’ following his ‘dead-goat’ allusions in faraway Botswana, Mr Ogwanfunu sought to highlight President Nana Dee’s comment with the post. And he has achieved his goal, hasn’t he?

Upon a careful look at his Facebook post, one could clearly tell that the pictures posted did not represent the true situation. He posted a living goat and a living dog. But the reality is that he is a dead-goat, while President Nana Dee is a living dog that refuses to be hanged.

So the question is: who do you prefer between the two? Is it the Living-Dog or the Dead-Goat?

I don’t know about you, I will choose the Living-Dog over the Dead-Goat. If for nothing at all, the Living-Dog will bark and scare intruders away. But of what use is the Dead-Goat to me?

The ascension of the Living-Dog to the presidential throne has saved me and my compatriots from the foul breath of Mr Dead-Goat. That alone could be enough reason for choosing Mr Living-Dog over Mr Dead-Goat.

From his days as Vice-President, Mr Ogwanfunu did not spare me and my compatriots. I vividly remember how he looked us in the eye and referred to the crying of the suffering masses as “baloney”. On another occasion, he referred to our complaints as “useless lamentation”. The last straw was the declaration that he was a dead goat, in reference to his decision not to heed the cry of the downtrodden. He also deliberately rubbed salt into the sores of many businesses who endured the negative effects of his incompetence when he referred to them as not being ‘smart’. What a stinking breath from the Dead-Goat!

But ever since the Living-Dog ascended the presidential throne, he has treated me and my compatriots with respect. After 18 months in office, we are yet to perceive an iota of foul smell from the mouth of the Living-Dog. Who in his right senses will reject such a leader for the former?

Abusuapanin, there is a desperate effort to place the corruption tag on President Nana Dee. But as he himself said last week, he is a stubborn dog that would resist all machinations to hang him.

Of course, the Living-Dog is not working with angels, so there will be errors by some of his appointees. The most appropriate thing to do in such circumstances is to listen to the cry of the people and right the wrong. And that is exactly what the Living-Dog did in the case of the AMERI 2.0 deal. For sure, I prefer such a leader to the one who would refer to complaints from the masses as ‘useless lamentation’.

Indeed, we do know the corrupt one between the two. The mystery surrounding the purchase of the Embraer jets is still fresh in our minds. The formation of a committee to investigate the matter, which never saw the light of day, speaks volumes. Mr Dead-Goat’s silence on the matter is also very deafening!

We’ve also not forgotten about the $100,000 Ford gift saga and the clumsy cover-up. We can see that the circumstance leading to the so-called gift is anything but genuine.

So, you see, my reasons for choosing the Living-Dog are sound, and not sentimental in nature. Indeed, I’m wondering why the carcass of the Dead-Goat is still around. Is the stench not enough to pollute the atmosphere?

I hope to see you next week for another interesting konkonsa, Deo volente!

