If I were A Greedy A Bastard!

“If you build the guts to do something, anything, then you better save enough to face the consequences” ? Criss Jami.

The phrase ‘greedy bastards’ is now commonly known and used in this country. But it was first used by Dr. Jerry Boom to describe the gluttonous nature of some of Agya Atta’s appointees. Indeed, they milked the cow so much that they left her dry.

Many were those who felt offended by the use of the word ‘bastard’. They criticized Dr. Boom saying the word was too harsh. Many others disagreed and said the word was very apt. Yours truly belong to the latter.

My Oxford Dictionary tells me the word ‘greedy’ is an adjective meaning, “Having excessive and selfish desire for wealth or power.” It also gave varied definitions for the word ‘bastard’. But the one that suits the context under discussion defines ‘bastard’ as “an unpleasant or despicable person”.

The phrase ‘greedy bastard’ can therefore be defined as an unpleasant person having excessive and selfish desire for wealth and power. Clearly, Dr. Boom cannot be faulted for describing the architects of numerous ‘create, loot and share’ schemes as greedy bastards.

Looking at the extent of pillage, it is an understatement to say the greedy bastards looted during the reign of Zu-za between January 7, 2009 and January 6, 2016. They virtually raped our poor motherland and left her in a state of unconsciousness before leaving government. No wonder President Ogwanfunu was compelled to proclaim that they had eaten all the meat, leaving only the bone.

Abusuapanin, I’m sure you remember the infamous ‘akomfem’ story. I vividly remember how some greedy bastards looted this country in the name of rearing guinea fowls. When it later became clear that the guinea fowl farm was a mirage, they shamelessly told us the guinea fowls had flown away to neighbouring Burkina Faso.

Frankly, if I were one of the greedy bastards who masterminded the ‘akomfem’ palaver, I would abscond to avoid falling victim to the rising venom of the Special Prosecutor. I wouldn’t wait to be caught in the net of the Citizen Vigilante and then start screaming ‘witch-hunting’. I would run far away before he turned his microscopic lenses on me and the rot I had caused.

Just before the 2016 polls, we all heard the main architect of the GH¢3.6 million bus-branding debacle screaming that she would be jailed if the opposition Osono was voted into power. She therefore impressed upon her kith and kin to reject Nana Dee and his party in order to spare her the ordeal of going through a corruption trial and imprisonment.

Unfortunately, the plea of Madam ‘They-Will-Jail-Me’ fell on deaf ears. President Nana Dee is now in the saddle and any hope of political cover-up is gone. If I were involved in the branding debacle, I would be searching for my passport in order to evade the wide net of Madam A-G and Mr. S.P.

Do you remember the renovation of the Kumasi Airport by the Ogwanfunu government? The highly inflated cost of the renovation is still fresh in our minds. Interestingly, Madam ‘They-Will-Jail-Me’ is deeply involved in the implementation of the smelly project. If what my rabbit-like ears are hearing is true, then I wouldn’t spend a day more in this country if I were in her shoes.

Another report reaching my rabbit-like ears indicates that investigations into the stinking AMERI deal have been concluded and three persons would be arraigned before court very soon. Knowing that a whopping $510 million contract was signed when same equipment could be procured for $220 million, one can safely infer that the architects of the deal have made close to $290 million profit. With only 10% ($29 million) as my share if I were involved in the deal, why would I not abscond and save myself the ‘wahala’ of years of going to court and imprisonment?

Abuga Pele and Philip Assibit are currently paying for their crimes against the state. The NCA folks are currently battling it out with Madam A-G in court. Dr. Stephen Opuni and Seidu Agongo are also trying to free themselves from the shackles of the court. If I were a greedy bastard, I would be asking myself only one question: Who is next?

With the GYEEDA debacle, SUBAH saga, sad SADA story, Woyomization saga, SSNIT software fiasco, Bus branding palaver, phantom tree planting project and other ‘create, loot and share’ schemes ringing in my mind; I keep on asking myself what I would do if I were a greedy bastard in any of the debacles. Thankfully, I’m not greedy, neither am I a bastard. So I leave that cross to the greedy bastards to carry!

See you next week for another interesting konkonsaDeo volente!

From Agya Kwaku Ogboro

