John Mahama’s Akple Ordure

John Mahama


The flagbearer of the NDC, John Mahama, his running mate Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang and other leaders of the party are in a panic mode. Suddenly, the man they are calling all kinds of names is making waves all over the place, including their “vote bank”, the Volta Region.

And out of desperation for power, the “Indian spell” John Mahama is talking about, has pushed them to a level that almost all leaders of the NDC have lost their balance.

Their actions defy common logic to the extent that after telling the people of the Volta Region to ignore the promises being made by the NPP, John Mahama has denigrated the popular diet of the region, “akple.”

After telling the people to ignore the NPP manifesto, which was launched yesterday, because it is full of lies, John Mahama looked into the faces of the party supporters and some chiefs in the region and described the NPP manifesto as “akple manifesto”, thereby comparing the favourite meal of the Voltarians to the “manifesto lies” of the NPP.

What John Mahama implied was that the delicious “akple” dish that people even outside the Volta Region consider to be a very healthy dish, is after all not good. Indeed, to John Mahama, “akple” is injurious to their health and wellbeing, for the food is not good as the Voltarians want the country to believe and patronise.

We have not forgotten what the current General Secretary of the NDC, Franklin Fifi Kwetey, a son of the Volta Region said about the popular free Senior High School (SHS) some years ago that it was a 419 scam, adding “all lie be lie”, but today realising the policy’s popular acclaim, John Mahama wants to reap what he did not plant by claiming he introduced it.

The NDC flagbearer, back in 2016, told the people of Ghana not to be deceived to buy into the free SHS because it was “a whimsical policy from a desperate politician.”

We hope the chiefs and people have taken serious notice of the insult from John Mahama who has now taken the “vote bank” for granted and has compared their favourite meal, “akple” to what he called the “manifesto lies” of the NPP.

John Mahama and the NDC have taken Voltarians for granted because no matter the circumstances, the people would vote any human being from that party regardless of his or her commitment to the people.

The people in the Volta Region are of no value to the NDC, and we hope that notable chiefs such as Togbe Afede will not ignore this faux pas from his new found idol, John Mahama.

Togbe Afede knows as an eminent traditionalist, that if John Mahama has nothing to offer the people of the Volta Region for their “blind” loyalty to the NDC, John Mahama should not show “appreciation” with insults.

This is the finest hour for the people of the Volta Region to show that they have “balls” and that the days when the NDC used them as voting machines are over. This insult from John Mahama must certainly be fatal to the political fortunes of the NDC in the Volta Region.

Various polls show that the popularity of the NDC is waning as the chiefs of Wheta were bold to tell John Mahama to stop lying about the NPP, that the party had not done anything for Volta Region, and pointed to a hospital project executed in the area by the Akufo-Addo government.

Perhaps, John Mahama has lost the benefit of wise counsel, having surrounded himself with the likes of Joyce Bawa Mogtari, Omane Boamah, Asiedu Nketia and the garrulous Sammy Gyamfi, who require management classes in etiquette and common sense. If that were not the case, the handlers would have given John Mahama proper briefing before embarking on the Volta Regional tour.