Hayford Siaw (3rd right) and Alhaji A. R Gomda (3rd left) with staff of the GLA and Western Publications in a group photograph
The Ghana Library Authority (GLA), after years of dormancy, is poised to revamp the country’s library system and improve the reading culture of Ghanaians, particularly the youth and children.
The Chief Executive of the newly constituted GLA, formerly known as Ghana Library Board (GLB), Hayford Siaw, explained that with the new mandate, the Authority is positioned to improve learning outcomes through supporting children to learn how to read and write.
He said despite the challenges with the library system in the country, notably a reduction of almost 50 per cent of books on the shelves and inadequate financial support to the activities of the previous board, the Authority with the backing of President Akufo-Addo is now in a position to revive the culture of reading in the country.
Mr. Siaw stated that the Authority which falls under the Ministry of Education has begun making great strides in its effort to achieve its mandate, for instance, most of the regional libraries have children-friendly places for reading, as well as electronic readers while 30 libraries across the country also have computers available to the public and school children.
“Since January this year, library patronage has increased to 64 per cent country wide,” he disclosed.
He said the Authority is also focused on setting up an automated ICT infrastructure in order to connect the libraries for easy information gathering and sharing.
Mr. Siaw opined that the Authority has forecast next year as the year of reading to augment the reading campaign championed by First Lady Mrs. Rebecca Akufo-Addo to inculcate the culture of reading to learn among Ghanaian children.
He said this when he led a delegation of the Authority to pay a curtsey call on the management of Western Publications Limited, Publishers of DAILY GUIDE.
The CEO of GLA expressed the need for organisations like DAILY GUIDE to support the campaign which presents a huge opportunity to educate the public and bring back the lost image of libraries in the country.
The Chief News Editor of DAILY GUIDE, Alhaji A. R Gomda, highlighted the importance of having a vibrant authority like the Ghana Library Authority championing the reading culture of the country, adding that without people learning to read, the newspaper industry will die.
He assured the board members of the support of DAILY GUIDE in championing the culture of reading among Ghanaians, particularly among youth and children.
The delegation was later taken on a tour of Western Publications Limited.
Hayford Siaw (3rd from right) and Alhaji A. R Gomda (3rd from left) with staff of the GLA and Western Publications in a group photograph
By Jamila Akweley Okertchiri