Light, Water Bills Go Up


Ghanaians will experience an increase in their electricity and water bills starting October 1, 2024, as the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC) has announced a 3.02% hike in electricity tariffs and a 1.86% rise in water tariffs.

According to the PURC in a statement, the adjustment is influenced by factors such as: inflation, exchange rate fluctuations and changes in gas prices.

The Commission considered Ghana’s current economic challenges and their impact on living standards when making this decision.

Impact on Consumers

The new tariff adjustments will apply to all categories of consumers across the country, affecting households, businesses, and industries.

PURC’s Explanation

“The decision took into account key parameters such as the inflation rate, exchange rate, and the Weighted Average Cost of Gas (WACOG) over the projected third quarter, as well as the need to balance the current economic conditions with the competitiveness and sustainability of industries,” the PURC stated.

This is not the first tariff adjustment this year.

The PURC regularly reviews tariffs to reflect changes in economic conditions.

BY Daniel Bampoe

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