Lilwin Involved In Auto Accident


Renowned Kumawood actor Kwadwo Nkansah, popularly known as Lilwin, was involved in an auto accident on Saturday, May 25, 2024.

The accident occurred around Amokom, a suburb of Kumasi Metropolis.

According to reports, Lilwin was on his way to a funeral when the incident happened.

Social Media videos captured the aftermath, showing onlookers assisting him from his branded Mercedes Benz and transferring him into another vehicle.

The front of his Mercedes Benz was severely damaged, indicating a likely collision with another vehicle. As of now, details regarding the cause of the accident and the extent of any injuries Lilwin may have sustained remain unclear.

This incident comes at a critical time for Lilwin, who is the Executive Producer of the much-anticipated film “A Country Called Ghana,” set to premiere in Kumasi, also known as the Garden City. Fans and the entertainment community are anxiously awaiting further updates on his condition, hoping for his swift recovery.