Mahama Calls For Peace In Bawku Amid Escalating Tensions


Former President John Dramani Mahama, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) presidential candidate is urging residents of Bawku to exercise patience and restraint amid rising ethnic tensions.

Speaking at the Saboba Community Centre on October 28, 2024, Mahama warned against sinister forces seeking to fuel conflict.

Bawku has witnessed intermittent violence since 1931, stemming from a chieftaincy dispute between the Mamprusi and Kusasi ethnic groups.

The conflict escalated in 1957 when the Kusasis appointed their own Bawku Naba.

Recently, tensions flared after Alhaji Seidu Abagre, a rival chief, returned to Bawku following a Kumasi High Court’s decision to quash his arrest warrant.

Gunfire exchanges on October 26 left two dead and several injured.
John Mahama’s plea comes as security forces scramble to contain the situation.

The Police and Military have deployed joint forces to maintain peace and order.

Mr Mahama emphasized, “We know there are some sinister hands trying to stoke the fires of ethnic conflict. They should not allow themselves to be provoked to violence.”

His appeal echoes concerns from the National Peace Council and security experts, who stress dialogue as the only path to lasting peace.

-BY Daniel Bampoe