Martin Amidu Strips Asiedu Nketiah Naked

Martin Amidu and Johnson Asiedu Nketiah


Former Special Prosecutor Martin Amidu has made tantalizing revelations about alleged corrupt practices of the National Chairman of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Johnson Asiedu Nketiah.

This follows Nketiah’s questioning of Amidu’s credibility over a petition the former Special Prosecutor reportedly filed for the removal of the current Special Prosecutor, Kissi Agyebeng.

Asiedu Nketiah expressed surprise that Amidu, who previously referred to President Akufo-Addo as the “mother serpent of corruption,” would now seek the president’s help in a corruption-related matter.

He asked Amidu if his opinion of Akufo-Addo as the “mother serpent of corruption” had changed.

“Comrade Martin, have you abandoned your view that Nana Akufo-Addo is the mother serpent of corruption?” Or do you still hold that view? If you still hold that view, when you came to a roadblock that I want to do this thing against the finance minister and the president said no way, you resigned and came to open up,” Nketiah mentioned.

But responding to the query in a statement, Amidu accused Nketiah of tarnishing his image without verifying that he authored the said petition.

He also indicated that the NDC national chairman is the last person to speak on matters regarding credibility and corruption.

Amidu went on to accuse Nketiah of engaging in numerous illegal activities, including his role on the Parliamentary Service Board, which the Citizen Vigilante says is a glaring conflict of interest under the 1992 Constitution.

Amidu also accused Nketiah of using his power to acquire an oil and gas company that is managed by his son.

The former Special Prosecutor further challenged Nketiah and former President John Mahama to deny that he, as a politically exposed person, set up a stevedoring company and was assisted by the Ghana Ports and Harbors Authority (GPHA) to “milk Ghanaians” during the regimes under which he served.

“The Chairman of the NDC, a person presumed to be of high moral character and proven integrity, permitted himself to be appointed by a self-confessed corrupt NDC Speaker of Parliament onto the Board of the Parliamentary Service despite a glaring and impermissible conflict of interest under Article 284 of the 1992 Constitution.

“Only idiots will cherish the moral values of such a Chairman of the NDC.

“In any case, Asiedu Nketiah and John Mahama, have you ever heard that as a politically exposed person, I set up a stevedoring company and was assisted by GPHA to milk Ghanaians during the regime of any of the Governments under which I served?

“Did I publicize the facts about Asiedu Nketiah’s stevedoring business at Tema as the Special Prosecutor before I sent Joshua Hamidu Akamba to warn him about attacking my integrity?” he said.

Amidu, a former Special Prosecutor, also accused the NDC national chairman of using his power to acquire an oil and gas company which is managed by his son.

“Asiedu Nketiah, I wish to refresh your memory that the abbreviated name of the stevedoring company which was also involved in oil and gas, etc., is KMSC, and to remind you that the partners you used your public position to cheat out of the company for your son you brought from Canada to manage KMSC are still aggrieved and alive.”

Amidu’s scathing response to Nketiah’s criticism has laid bare the alleged corrupt practices of the NDC national chairman, further tarnishing his image and credibility.

By Vincent Kubi