More Intercessions For Ghana, Bawumia In Mecca


The last in a series of intercessions for Ghana and Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia in Mecca attracted a cross section of Islamic clerics In Mecca.

The spiritual exercise followed in the heels of two previous ones held during the pilgrimage both for Ghana and the Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia.

It was a cross sectional programme of Islamic clerics from across Ghana during which the Holy Quran was recited and intercessions made for Ghana, the leadership of the country including traditional authorities.

Sheikh Baba Dua, Sheikh Swala Kuwait, Sheikh Swallah,Swallah Alajo, Sheikh Abu Fail and many others participated in the Meccan programme.

Sheikh Abu Fail called for peace and unity among the citizenry.

Ghana is the only country to which we belong and so its peace must be guarded jealously he said.

The Chairman of the Ghana Hajj Board Hon Ben Abdallah Banda expressed gratitude to the clerics for their intercessions for Ghana and especially Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia’s bid to lead Ghana as President.

Ghana he said stands to gain enormously from the presidency of Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.

In attendance were some members of the Ghana Hajj Board.

More Intercessions For Ghana, Bawumia In Mecca
The last in a series of intercessions for Ghana and Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia in Mecca attracted a cross section of Islamic clerics In Mecca.

The spiritual exercise followed in the heels of two previous ones held during the pilgrimage both for Ghana and the Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia.

It was a cross sectional programme of Islamic clerics from across Ghana during which the Holy Quran was recited and intercessions made for Ghana, the leadership of the country including traditional authorities.

Sheikh Baba Dua, Sheikh Swala Kuwait, Sheikh Swallah,Swallah Alajo, Sheikh Abu Fail and many others participated in the Meccan programme.
Sheikh Abu Fail called for peace and unity among the citizenry.

Ghana is the only country to which we belong and so its peace must be guarded jealously he said.

The Chairman of the Ghana Hajj Board Hon Ben Abdallah Banda expressed gratitude to the clerics for their intercessions for Ghana and especially Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia’s bid to lead Ghana as President.

Ghana he said stands to gain enormously from the presidency of Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.

In attendance were some members of the Ghana Hajj Board.

I n a related development, the first batch of Ghanaian pilgrims are due to be airlifted to Tamale from the Jeddah International Airport.