Dr. Eric Akobeng addressing the launch
The National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) has launched an evaluation process for the Medium-Term National Development Policy Framework (MTNDPF) 2022-2025 which encourages the government to ensure that the national economy is managed efficiently to maximize the welfare of the citizenry.
Speaking at the launch of the evaluation process, Director-General of NDPC, Dr. Eric Akobeng, said the MTNDPF, dubbed Agenda for Jobs II, 2022-2025, will focus on key critical areas, including Social Protection, Child Protection, Education, Health, Nutrition, Job Creation, and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH).
The evaluation is expected to last six months. The Commission has pledged to adopt a transparent and ethical approach to this evaluation, leveraging its Cross-Sectoral Planning Group established under Section 15 of the National Development Planning Commission Act, 1994 (Act 479).
The group comprises representatives of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), the private sector, and such individuals selected for their knowledge and experience as the Commission may determine.
“The Commission would also establish an Evaluation Reference Group made up of academia, civil society organization, the private sector, development partners and ministries, departments, and agencies.
Further, the Commission would establish Steering and Technical Committees to oversea the conduct of the evaluation” he said.
Dr. Akobeng reiterated that the evaluation would unearth useful information that would set the tone for the development of a new Medium-Term National Development Policy Framework (MTNDPF) that is reflective of the aspirations of the country.
Social Policy Specialist, UNICEF, Charles Dzradosi, said their commitment to supporting the government’s evaluation systems for policies and plans at all levels seeks to strengthen the evaluation functions of NDPC, MDAs, and MMDAs to meet and exceed the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) norms and standards, to ensure that all UNICEF commitments are met throughout the process.
“It is our hope and expectation that the outcomes of this evaluation process will provide, not just a compendium of policies and activities that have been implemented or not, but also ask questions about how equitable they are, whether they are human-rights based and whether they are disability-inclusive,” he said.
By Prince Fiifi Yorke