NPP Youth Chase Police To Prosecute NDC Hooligans


The National Youth Wing of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has issued a stern call to the Ghana Police Service to prosecute individuals involved in recent acts of vandalism, destruction of property, and assault on public officers.

These incidents, perpetrated by miscreants masquerading as demonstrators under the name Democracy Hub, have sparked widespread concern and condemnation.

According to Salam Mustapha, NPP National Youth Organizer, in a statement “The NPP will not sit idle and watch as some misguided individuals disrupt the peace and stability of our beloved country.”

He emphasized that the party firmly believes that those who take the law into their own hands must face justice.

The NPP Youth Wing stresses that non-prosecution of these individuals will create a culture of impunity, motivating more serious acts in the future.

They throw their weight behind the police and urge all Ghanaians to support the prosecution of those involved.

“The millions of enraged Ghanaians who watched with horror the destruction of property and attack on the public are waiting for justice from the police,” Mustapha emphasized.

Police Response

The Ghana Police Service has arrested several individuals in connection with the recent incidents.

However, the NPP Youth Wing demands swift prosecution to deter future occurrences.

Below is the full statement from the NPP Youth Organiser:


The National Youth Wing of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has taken note of the recent arrests made by the Ghana Police Service involving individuals engaged in various acts of vandalism destruction of property, unlawful assembly, and assault on public officers.

These acts were perpetuated by some miscreants and hooligans masquerading as demonstrators under the name Democracy Hub.

We firmly believe that individuals who take the law into their own hands and commit such criminal acts under the guise of a demonstration must be held accountable and face the full rigours of the law in our courts.

Law and order are fundamental to the peace and security of our nation, and those who violate these principles should not be exempt from justice.

In this regard, we call upon all law-abiding and peace-loving citizens to support the police in their efforts to prosecute those involved in these criminal activities.

It is crucial that we collectively uphold the rule of law and condemn such unruly behaviour, as it threatens the very foundation of our democracy.

While we recognise and support the rights of all citizens to engage in peaceful and lawful demonstrations as enshrined in our constitution, however, it is important to emphasize that acts of vandalism, destruction of property, and other unlawful actions must be unequivocally condemned without fear of political, religious, or ethnic repercussions for speaking out against such acts.

The Youth Wing of the NPP wishes to emphasize that the non-prosecution of these miscreants who caused ample public discomfort will serve as a motivation for more serious acts to come in the future, as it wlill develop a culture of impunity.

We therefore, throw our full weight behind the police and also urge all well-meaning Ghanaians to also do so.

The millions of enraged Ghanaians who watched with horror the destruction of property and attack on the public are waiting for justice from the police. It is important that we establish that no one or group is above the law and that crime is punishable. if this is not done, then it will pave way for violent lashes in the future as others will also group to protect their property and other interests.

We are keenly watching as it pans out. Thank you.

Salam Mustapha
National Youth Organizer

-BY Daniel Bampoe
