NYA Announces Registration of Youth-Focused Organizations

Sylvester Tetteh- CEO of NYA

The National Youth Authority (NYA) has announced the re-registration of existing and registration of all newly formed youth-focused/youth-based organizations in Ghana.

According to the NYA the exercise which starts on Monday October 5, is in fulfillment of Section (25) of the National Youth Authority Act (Act 939) which mandates the Authority to register all youth-led and youth-focused organizations at the community, district, regional and national levels leading to the formation of the Ghana Youth Federation as per Section 3(d) of the Act 939.

A release from the Authority indicated that the exercise will help it compile an up-to-date, comprehensive and reliable database of these organizations to ensure a purposeful and more effective coordination of youth development and empowerment interventions and to effectively regulate the sector.

It will also assist the authority to identify all youth groups, profile all groups for effective programme segmentation, effectively regulate the activities of these registered organizations, foster information and knowledge sharing, cooperation, collaboration and networking amongst the organizations, identify various youth organizations for support and guidance by the Authority whilst positioning the Authority to proficiently respond to the current and emerging trends in youth development service delivery and enhance its operational efficiency.

“This database, which will reflect the prevailing conditions of the youth, will also provide the Authority a unique opportunity to meaningfully engage them to drive our overall national development goals,” it indicated.

It thus directed all youth-focused organizations including adventure, disability and gender based, governance inspired, religious/faith based, settlement and/or community development, health based, students and youth networks are hereby mandated to contact the nearest district, regional and national directorates of the Authority to fulfil this legislative requirement.

The registration will take place in all district and regional offices as well as the national directorate at the Azumah Nelson Sports Complex, Kaneshie.

By Jamila Akweley Okertchiri
