Research On Fall Of NDC During 7th Dec ,2016 Election

A.Hard govt economic Policies
1.Embargo laying on employment in some sectors leading to huge unemployment.

2.Higher school fees/Admission cost in SHS,Teacher and Nurses Training level,Polytechnic and Universities.

3.Removal of Teacher and Nurses Trainees allowance.

4.High Tax.

5.High Utility tariff.

6.High cost of fuel.

7.Payment of only three Months salary arrears to new entrants on govt payroll who did 12months and above especially teachers.

8.Non Payment of Promotion arrears to govt workers.

9.Last minutes hour of YEA employment and Security Services recruitment caused serious apathy among the youth front against the govt in power.

B.Party Executives
1.Failure of executives to educate voters on govt hard policies earlier b4 the general election.

2.Failure of constituency executives to get closer to voters through meeting and forum to educate voters on govt hard policies because of lack of logistics.

3.Failure of National Youth Organizers and Women Organizers to tour all the 275 constituencies to interact with constituency executives and grassroot supporters about the govt policies.

4.Failure of Regional Campaign team members to monitor the campaign messages of constituency campaign team at the grassroot level in order to defend the govt hard policies.

5.Expanded electoral college created a lot of apathy among voters.

6.Neglection of Old Constituency, Regional and National executives also contributed to failure.

7.Failure of branches,Regional and National Executives to have access to early logistics to mobilize electorates.

8.Exit of political smaller groups by National executives demoralized the grassroot support.

C.Ministers,MPs and MMDCEs.
1.Most of MPs and MMDCEs lack of logistics to start the early organisation with constituency executives at the grassroot level.

2.Some MP’s abandoned electorates due to uncompleted projects initiated in early 2012.

3.Some Ministers were not friendly with electorates because of numerous financial burden brought by electorates in their various constituencies.

4.Some Ministers, MPs and MMDCEs find it very difficult to defend the govt hard policies to electorates to understand the merits why those policies were implemented.

5.Govt, Ministers, MPs and MMDCEs failed to check on attitude of DKM financial services which looted electorate’s money for free.

6.Neglection of ex Ministers, MPs and MMDCEs contributed to serious apathy and failure of the party.

D.President,Veep and National Campaign Team
1.National Campaign team did not planned any strong campaign messages to defend the govt hard policies which can put future hope onto face of voters.

2.During the campaign ,Veep must speak on govt policies and the way forward to voters while the President need to speak on his 2017 to 2020 manifesto messages to voters but nothing like that done which discouraged most of voters especially floating voters to vote for opposition party.

3.Failure of National campaign team to meet various regional and Constituencies campaign team to listen to their individual problems ahead of the main general election campaign period.
E.Media House
1.Failure of our Ministers, Mps and MMDCEs to get closer to most of media men to project the good works of President JM.

2.Failure of Ministers, MPs and MMDCEs to relate to media houses to educate voters on need to implement govt hard policies and way forward for electorates.

3.Failure of Ministers to bring most of journalist on board to defend govt hard policies to electorates.

F. Arrogance of Govt Appointees
1.Maintaining of JM for 2020 will bring the party back to power.

2.Choosing of youthful and Popular Veep from Stronghold of the party can help a lot.

3.Early grassroot root reorganisation at branches and constituency level.

4.Electing popular and friendly Youth Organisers and Women Organiser at Constituency, Regional and National to start bringing youth on board.

5.President JM and National Campaign team touring the grassroot level ( Constituencies level ) and have open forum with electorates about what caused his defeat and also render apology to electorates for his govt hard policies implemented.

6.Frequent visit of Ex Ministers, Mps,and MMDCEs to constituency levels to have forum/establish close relationship with voters can give early one touch victory in 2020.

7.Presidential and National Executives Primaries in year 2018 to start early homework at grassroot level will bring us back to power.

8.Instituting committee members from National level to visit the constituencies we lost our Mp seats to Npp and find out the causes will give us easy strategy to recapture those seats back.

9.Levying an amount of money from Ex Ministers, MPs and MMDCEs ex-gratia for grassroot works will enable the party to have enough resources toward 2020 campaign.

10.Resourcing and providing logistics to branches at the grassroot level for effective mobilization most especially the constituencies we lost our seats to Npp.

11.Organising the monthly NDC health walk quarterly at Constituencies, Regional and National level will make the party strong.

12.Quarterly meeting of Ex-Minister, MPs, MMDCEs,National, Regional and Constituencies executives by Ex-President JM for collection of grassroot root data will help strategize for power back easily in 2020 election.

Compiled By……Dan K Jerry
Mobile Contact…..0244228981
