Resign And Contest Parliamentary Elections, NPP Tells Executives… Bars MMDCEs


The New Patriotic Party (NPP) has made an announcement, stating that Regional and Constituency Party executives who wish to contest in the parliamentary primaries in constituencies where the party has sitting Members of Parliament will need to resign from their respective positions by September 20, 2023.

This decision was reached during a meeting held on Thursday, July 20, 2023, where guidelines for the conduct of the Party’s presidential and parliamentary primaries were discussed.

Furthermore, Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Chief Executives (MMDCEs) in constituencies where the Party has sitting Members of Parliament will not be eligible to participate in the parliamentary primaries for those constituencies.

The ten aspiring Presidential Candidates who successfully passed through the Vetting Committee have been approved to contest in the primaries.

A Special Electoral College is set to be held on August 26, 2023, in each of the 16 Regional Capitals.

All aspiring presidential candidates will receive a validated Album for the Special Electoral College at least one month prior to the Congress date, which means not later than July 26, 2023. The Electoral Commission of Ghana will be responsible for conducting the Special Electoral College elections.

The National Council has also expressed concern over some negative comments and statements made by a few aspiring Presidential Candidates and their supporters. These comments are deemed detrimental to the unity and cohesion of the Party.

To address this issue, the council has reiterated the importance of complying with the Code of Conduct for Presidential and Parliamentary Elections of the Party. Any aspiring Presidential Candidate, their supporters, or party executives at any level found to be in violation of the Code of Conduct will face consequences in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the Party Constitution.

The Party wishes all its aspiring Presidential Candidates the best of luck in the upcoming primaries and expects strict adherence to the rules and regulations by all stakeholders.

By Vincent Kubi

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