Rev Wengam Leads Team To Italy

Rev Stephen Wengam


The General Superintendent of Assemblies of God, Ghana, Rev Stephen Wengam, is leading the Executive Presbytery of the church on an official visit to Italy.

They have held a meeting with the national leadership of the Ghanaian Fellowship Assemblies of God, Italy to discuss very pertinent issues and renew the partnership between both parties.

Rev Wengam, who is also the Vice Chairman of Africa Assemblies of God Alliance, paid a courtesy call on the General Superintendent of Italy Assemblies of God, Rev Dr Motante and his leadership team.

They were accompanied by a cross section of the Ghanaian Fellowship leaders led by Rev Patrick Mumuni Boakye, National Field Director.

The discussions centered on Missions collaboration, the 2026 World Congress of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship scheduled to be held in Accra, Ghana, amongst other things.

Assemblies of God, Ghana, is the first church in Africa to host the global congress.