Roads Director Issues Warning

Poku Agyeman

THE URBAN Roads Director for Kumasi Metropolis, Ing Nana Poku Agyeman, has warned the public not to frustrate contractors working on road projects.

According to him, the country needs better roads in order to accelerate national transformation; therefore road contractors should be supported at all times to deliver.

Ing Agyeman particularly condemned situations whereby road contractors suffered theft at the construction site, an act that served as stumbling block in their delivery.

“You are all major stakeholders, therefore the strong need for you to give the contractor the needed support to do a good job for all of us to enjoy and benefit,” he declared.

He was speaking during the official sod cutting ceremony for the rehabilitation of the Kokoso, Adumanu, Babirem, Abrepo, Asubonteng and Bronikrom Area roads project.

The Urban Roads Director for Kumasi said “I will urge the public to support road projects that are taking place in their communities so they would be completed on time.

“You should own the road projects by giving it the needed support so that the contractors would feel at home and execute value for money projects to mother Ghana.

“The contractors should not suffer theft and other negative acts that have the tendency of frustrating and preventing them from working in comfort at the construction site.”

The Deputy Chief of Staff, Francis Asenso Boakye, who is the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Parliamentary Candidate (PC) for Bantama, played huge roles to secure the project.

Ing Agyeman lauded Mr. Boakye for his passion to get Bantama Constituency and for that matter, Kumasi, developed effectively, and urged him to keep it up.

FROM I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr., Kumasi


