Savannah NPP Women’s Wing To Embark On Regional Tour Ahead of 2024

As part of efforts to further strengthen the base of the women’s wing of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Savannah Region, the party’s women’s organizer, Hajia Safia Mohammed is embarking on a tour of the region to couch more women for the party.

The tour christened; “Touching The Base With Women Ahead Of 2024”, is among a series of events and engagements to be organized to touch base with the women as part of efforts towards re-energizing, the women’s wing of the party for the task ahead.

Themed; “Savannah Women On The Move To Breaking The 8”, is scheduled to commence from Friday 11th February 2022 to Sunday 13th February 2022 across the seven (7) constituencies in the region.

In attendance during the “Touching The Base With Women Ahead Of 2024” tour will be the Savannah Women’s Organizer, Hajia Safia Mohammed, National communication Team Member of NPP, Ms. Lawuratu Musah-Saaka, and the 2nd Vice Chairperson of NPP in the Savannah region, Hajia Zulfawu Amadu.

The Savannah Regional Women’s Organizer, Hajia Safia Mohammed told DGN Online that the tour seeks engagement with key women groups, opinion leaders, traditional authorities, and other key stakeholders within the party in the region.

According to her, the tour will allow the team to listen and address the concerns of party grassroots especially women, and also engage them on ways by which they can support the party to deliver on its second-term mandate to enhance the party’s chances of breaking the 8-year governance cycle.

She is optimistic that touching base with the women in the region will further enrich the love of the grassroots for the party and hence bring her office closer to them.

The women’s wing of the NPP in the Savannah region under the leadership of Women’s Organizer Hajia Safia Mohammed played a central role in the success of the party in the region.

The Women’s wing was able to rally the women across the region to cast their votes for the party.

The frequent engagement with women groups, opinion leaders, and traditional authorities was the cornerstone for the success gained by the party in the region.

FROM Eric Kombat, Damongo
