Stop Smoking Shisha, You Will Die -Captain Planet

Captain Planet

Captain Planet, an artist and one of the members of the now-defunct music group 4×4, has cautioned Ghanaians over the smoking of Shisha.

He said the dangers of smoking shisha are severe including premature death.

Captain Planet conveyed his concerns in a post on social media, reacting to an interview on Joy TV in which Sam George, the Member of Parliament for the Ningo Prampram constituency, admonished some Ghanaian youth for their irresponsible lifestyle choices.

Sam George raised concerns about the prevalence of shisha consumption among the youth, linking it to possible health issues, including kidney problems.

In response, Captain Planet expressed, “That shisha thing can be extremely harmful, but some individuals turn a blind eye and continue to smoke it. Stop smoking that shisha nonsense; it may lead to an early demise.”

Captain Planet’s remarks elicited a mixed response from the public. While many agreed with his assessment of the health risks associated with shisha, others argued that shisha should not bear the sole blame for kidney problems.

Captain Planet joins a growing list of celebrities who have been advocating for increased public awareness of health and lifestyle choices.

Hiplife legend Reggie Rockstone, for instance, has taken a similar stance, encouraging his followers to prioritize their well-being.