Sudan Denies UAE Bombing Allegations


In a scathing press release, Sudan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has denied allegations made by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) regarding the bombing of the UAE ambassador’s residence in Khartoum.

The Sudanese Armed Forces had previously denied involvement in the incident.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement emphasized the national army’s right to protect the country, its people, and sovereignty against aggression, mercenaries, and terrorists, while reaffirming its commitment to international law.

However, this denial is not just a simple rejection of the allegations. It’s also a counterattack, accusing the UAE of fueling the war in Sudan and committing atrocities through its alleged support of the Janjaweed militia.

The Ministry claims that documented international reports expose the UAE’s role in crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, genocide, sexual violence, and enslavement of women and children.

Investigative journalism has reportedly uncovered evidence of the UAE’s arms supplies to the militia and its funding of hundreds of thousands of mercenaries, perpetuating the conflict and human suffering in Sudan.

The Ministry’s statement labels the UAE’s allegations as a desperate attempt to divert attention from its own wrongdoing.

It’s ironic, they argue, that the UAE speaks of rejecting terrorism and adhering to international law while sponsoring a militia responsible for egregious human rights violations.

This development is the latest in the complex and troubled relationship between Sudan and the UAE.

As tensions escalate, the international community will be watching closely to see how this situation unfolds.

-BY Daniel Bampoe