Time For Justice, Equity, Security, Trust And Zero Tolerance For Impunity

A new era has dawned in the country. The nation has spoken. At last the good people have found their strength and shaken themselves from the shackles which imprisoned their conscience and thumbs from exercising their noble right of choice after their voices have been ignored for so long by the capricious marauding gang of criminal bootleggers. The citizens of this country have acted correctly and shaken themselves free from enslavement by the most heartless cohort of evil and satanic minded political and economic ruffians who ever populated this country and who fraudulently denied them justice, equity, security and trust for far too long in the past by making use of the most well-oiled rigging electoral machines ever assembled in this part of the world. The criminal idiots who have held the country to ransom and callously raped the virginity of the country for the past eight years have been booted out of office.

Fortunately and hopefully, the country must have seen the last of the grossly incompetent, the unprecedented criminally corrupt, the shamelessly ethnocentric and nepotistic, the glutinously greedy NDC political administration made up of old evil dwarfs, greedy bastards, babies with sharp teeth, leeches, liars, thieves, evil propagandists, uncouth hirelings, foul-mouths, buffoons and rascals with idiotic brains who foolishly felt the whole country possessed that evil and satanic demonic characteristic of theirs.  They have relied on deceit, political chicanery, brutal force of the partisan security services who terrorised and denied the people justice and security and the right to demonstrate against a corrupt incompetent demagogue of a political administration, the inept, unpatriotic and warped brains of the electoral commissioners, played on the intelligence of most of the disadvantage citizens using the power of poverty and denial and arguments bordering on fantasy.

A fool has said in his heart, there is no God. When the bugle sounded, the criminals found themselves wanting. They never for once thought that they will fall from that pinnacle of power which they have used to impoverish and terrorised   the people and intimidate those in entrusted positions. After all, they turned all public servants into hen-pecked husbands.  They could even assemble the entire Vice-Chancellors of the nation’s university, sit them on low-lying stools and allow a half-baked educated illiterate parading as a minister of state sitting on an exalted ministerial chair to address them and the press will only report what the occupier of the ministerial chair said without informing the public a single word from the Vice-Chancellors. The occupier of the State House will announce that he has donated contributions from unknown persons to his mother’s funeral to a unit at Korle-bu Hospital and a national newspaper will write an editorial spewing encomiums on him. No questions are asked as to where the contributions came from, the total contributions which actually came in, whether taxes had been paid on the contributions, whether the money donated to the unit did not come from state budgetary allocation to the unit; wrongly denied the unit in the first place by the reckless and wasteful spending government.

After losing power so ignominiously, the criminals rushed to the houses of God to be blessed by Men of God who all the time witnessed the buffoonery of the leadership and kept a neutral posture as if spiritualism has nothing to do with physical welfare of the people.  Are we not pushing the religious axiom that Jesus came for criminals to a ridiculous incredulity by giving sanctuary to this nation wreckers in our worshiping centres? That is the zenith to which sycophancy, bootlicking, hero worshipping, adoration have reached even among the educated class who are supposed to be the salt of the earth  and who should not hide their candle under cover. Today, the faces of the principal loser and his fellow losers look so morose and sullen and pitiful like incorrigible children caught by their parents with their hands in the family saving money bags. As the leader of the failed gang himself rightly prophetically stated, history will judge him. What he might not have appreciated was that history will certainly judge him very harshly. He was given ten pieces of silver by his rich master and instead of multiplying the resources entrusted to him for the benefit of the master and the entire household, he kept the money to himself, his cronies, family members and accomplices and whittled the resources away.

The battle to salvage this country from the evil and satanic machinations of the invading barbarians which virtually brought the whole nation on her knees is over. However, the war to rebuild the country from the ruins left behind should start now. Justice, equity, security, trust and zero tolerance for impunity and moral values must be restored into our body politic and corruption banished from our national life. We cannot fail this time round. The time has come for the whole nation to come out with a plan which will dispatch these waifs of marrons who have been shown the doorway to the hottest part of the political climate of this country so that they never rise up again to hold this country to ransom. Everybody outside the criminal, despicable, evil, satanic NDC played a part in the battle one way or the other. They should also play a part in the war. If the battle was the Lord’s, the time has come for us to rely on ourselves to win the war. We can no longer afford the comfort of constantly reminding ourselves of what went wrong. Should it always be that the Ghanaian is born free but everywhere he is in chains?

E-mail: macgyasi@gmail.com

BY Kwame Gyasi
