Unknown Assailants Murder Teacher Trainee

Hannah Akosua Frimpongmaa


A LEVEL 300 teacher trainee of Atebubu College of Education, Hannah Akosua Frimpongmaa, has been found dead in an uncompleted building at Misidan, a community in the Techiman Municipality of Bono East Region.

Hannah, a Basic Education student, was said to have left home for school last Friday but efforts to reach her on phone by the parents failed till three days later when her parents had a distress call from the police, who asked them to report to Offuman Police Station, and the sad news disclosed to them.

According to an uncle of the deceased, Kwesi Fosu, who confirmed the news on a local-based FM station in Sunyani, Moonlit FM, the parents of the deceased were informed about the death of their ward by the police from Offuman in the Techiman North Municipality of the region.

The police asked them to proceed to the station to identify Hannah through her identity card and handbag, which they retrieved from the crime scene.

According to Mr. Fosu, indication from the scene suggested the deceased struggled with her assailants before she was stabbed multiple times at the neck. He said the police suspect her murderers drew blood from the body.

“It was the owner of the uncompleted building who first saw the deceased and reported the crime to the police,” he stated.

“The police retrieved her identity card from her bag.  It was from her particulars that they were able to trace her parents to Offuman,” he pointed out.

He appealed to residents of the area to assist the family and the security agents with information leading to arrest of the suspects.

Meanwhile, sources from Atebubu College of Education told the paper Hannah had arrived on campus that fateful Friday but could not trace her phone. She used her friend’s phone to call her line and the respondent directed her to come for it in Techiman. She complained of lack of transport fare, but the respondent promised to send her money through her friend’s phone.

According to the insider source, while going to withdraw the cash, the friend advised her not to go since she did not know the respondent, however, Hannah ignored the advice, adding that was the last time she was seen.

DAILY GUIDE further gathered that the Principal of the college, Samuel Addae-Boateng, has placed a call to the parents to express his heartfelt condolences and that of the college to the bereaved family.


FROM Daniel Y Dayee, Techiman