US Burger Quits Kumawu NPP Race

Lawyer Edward Osei addressing the media


LAWYER EDWARD Osei has pulled out of the upcoming Kumawu New Patriotic Party (NPP) parliamentary race.

According to him, a delay in the renunciation of his US citizenship status, mainly informed his last minute decision.

He said he has lived and worked in the US for over 30 years, but thought it was worth it to serve his people.

Lawyer Osei said he had taken steps to renounce his US citizenship status in order to take part in the elections.

However, he said he doubted if the process would go through on time, hence his decision to pull out of the race.

Addressing the media on Wednesday, April 19, 2023, Lawyer Osei said he consulted wide before he decided to quit the elections.

He stated that his decision to quit the race was also taken in the supreme interest of the NPP, which he loves dearly.

Eight people were to contest the NPP race so ideally Lawyer Osei’s decision should now reduce the number to 7.

However, there were reports that two out of the 8 aspirants had issues with the vetting committee so their fate was hanging.

The ruling political party, for strategic reasons, refused to mention the names of the two affected candidates.

Party sources, however, disclosed to the paper that Lawyer Osei and another person were the affected aspirants.

Significantly, the Kumawu MP seat became vacant following the demise of Philip Basoah, NPP MP for the area.

FROM I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr., Kumasi



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