VIDEO: Man Dies At Ashaiman Bus Stop After Requesting Seat


A devastating incident occurred at the Ashiman Bus stop in the Greater Accra Region on Sunday afternoon leaving the community in shock and grief.

A man whose identity has not been disclosed, approached a trader and requested to sit down, but suddenly collapsed and lost consciousness.

Eyewitnesses described the scene as chaotic and traumatic, as people rushed to assist him.

Despite efforts to revive him, including attempts to resuscitate him, the man was pronounced dead at the scene.

The cause of death is unknown and is under investigation by the authorities.

The incident has raised concerns about the safety and well-being of citizens in public spaces, with many calling for improved emergency services and health care.

According to eyewitnesses, the man appeared to be in his mid-40s and showed no signs of distress before collapsing.

“He just asked to sit down and then suddenly fell to the ground,” said an eyewitness. “We tried to help him, but it was too late.”

The trader, who wished to remain anonymous, was visibly shaken by the incident.

“I was just sitting here, selling my goods, when the man approached me. I didn’t think much of it when he asked to sit down, but then he just collapsed.”

The incident has left the community in shock, with many struggling to come to terms with what happened.

“It’s just tragic,” said a local residen adding “You never expect something like this to happen in a public place.”

The body has been since been deposited at a certain morgue for preservation as investigation is ongoing.

-BY Daniel Bampoe
