Why God Exists? (2)

Why God Exists? (2)


On March 6, 2011, I saw a banner announcing the programme “Breaking The Iron Gate” in the church, and I went. I honestly don’t know why I chose this program. It was the first time I ever visited that church. Well, I went that evening and I took a seat at a particular place that I’m focusing on now. There were intense prayers and suddenly, the prophet called for calm. He then said, as I pray, I saw an angelic being, and, I heard the name ‘Obu.’  Honestly, I was shocked and amazed! He also called the ‘Obu’ three times. I failed to respond to the voice of God to go forward. Then, the Prophet pointed to the exact place I was sitting and the seat number. At this point, I felt some intense fire burning me. I had no option but to finally respond, got up, and walked toward him.

Then, there was applause as I went forward.  When I went to him, he added: Practice like an angel, ‘Raphael.’  He said, who is Raphael?  He then added: Young man, what do you want to be? I said: I want to be great. He added: The way to your greatness lies in your spiritual welfare. But if you will not change your confession, you will get to the destination God has for you. He then added: but I know some wars and gates need to open. He then said: Gates open so that others can enter into it. I used to think this gate to be opened was meant for family members. But that was not the case. Today, I have a whole community of people who are entering into this gate he said. Fast forward, I joined the church and became a full member.  My life has never been the same again.


Dodging God

In 2021, I went to a funeral at Takoradi. Arriving there, I was told the Prophet was there. Hence, I decided not to go to where I was told he was. I was scared because I don’t know what he is likely to tell me this time. I decided to dodge him. I went to Cecilia Bunyan’s house. When I thought I was dodging him, I met some couples who were ministers of God. Immediately after Cecilia introduced me, the Holy Spirit fell on the woman of God and started prophesying to me. I had no option but to kneel. The woman brought out hidden things. I was there with a friend. She was shocked herself; she realized that I am not an ordinary human being but there is an upper hand working on me.

This drew my attention to what Jehoshaphat said, “Is there not a prophet of the LORD here whom we can inquire of?” The king of Israel answered Jehoshaphat, “There is still one man through whom we can inquire of the LORD, but I hate him because he never prophesies anything good about me, but always bad. In this case, I was behaving like Jehoshaphat, I knew the prophet is a true man of God but was scared of what he will say that I don’t want to hear but God used another person to deliver his word.

This means we cannot dodge God, especially those he has chosen to accomplish a mission. Many people think that what I do beats their imaginations as a young professor at 37. Someone asked me whether there is a god in my family protecting me. Christ is my foundation and I never regretted accepting and giving my life to him.  Many were those who had planned evil against me, but God delivered me including one that was orchestrated from Benin.

Today, I am sharing my story with the world to let you know that God exists and that worshipping him is not a waste of time.  Going to church is not a waste of time! From a humble beginning, this is how far the Lord had brought me.  The greatest achievements in my life now are knowing God and giving my life to Christ. No one can convince me that there is no God because I have had an encounter with him and have seen his physical manifestation in my life.

Anytime I go through any trouble or challenge I remember the words of the prophets to help me sail through.  There are occasions when I go through challenges but just smile and people think that I am indifferent; not that, I just know they were part of my growth. And any time there is a storm, rain is abundant. My family does not even understand how I arrived at where I am. It’s a miracle. It is not a small task for a young man from Dodowa to break barriers, it takes only God.

I held on to the prophecy of this great man of God. Today, I am a full professor at 37, president of a University College. I told God to bring all these successes before I hit 40 and he did at 37. This is a clear case that God exists and that there are true prophets in this country that God is using. So, in case, you doubt that God exists; then, just take a look at me, I am a physical embodiment of God’s grace and existence as we say in law res ipsa loquitor (the case speaks for itself).

The church changed my life and the only way to a successful life is to have an encounter with God. The spiritual life is pivotal to success in life and the Youth must accept Christ and lead his path to a successful life and career.

Our DNA, of course, is not our destiny. Our destiny is not connected with the very day when the sperm fertilized the egg. It is only a road map and we have control of our DNA. My advice to the youth is that success comes from God. I could remember some time ago, I needed financial assistance and I prayed to God. I told him to disgrace me with that money. That particular week, I received an invitation to deliver a speech in a big program. After my speech, I met someone and we became friends. We spoke, and he asked me to do some projects for him. Immediately, he released the money for the project and received more than what I asked from God. If this is not from God; then from whom? Do not be deceived by any demonic agendas to divert your relationship with God. The Name of Jesus supersedes any!

I am always guided by this personal philosophy, which goes like this “the future, you picture is the future you will feature, the ‘YOU’ you see is the ‘YOU’ you will become. Therefore, picture a great future to feature and desire a great ‘YOU’ to become and the almighty God will see to it that you have featured in the future you have pictured and have become the YOU, you have desired.


By Prof. Raphael Nyarkotey Obu 

The writer is a Professor of Naturopathic Healthcare, currently pursuing the Bar professional course at the Gambia Law School, Banjul.
