You Mean The World To Me- Van Vicker Tells Wife At 45

Adjoa Vicker

Actor Van Vicker celebrated his wife’s 45th birthday on Monday, by letting the world in on how she meant to him and their three children.
According to him, he still loves Adjoa Vicker, suggesting he would go to every length for their love because she is superwoman to their family.
Van and Adjoa met long before she turned 17. They got married in 2003 and have since remained a great couple.
Van never hesitates to always showcase his beautiful family, hence when it’s Adjoa birthday, it is another opportunity to let the world know the great person she is.
He writes: “To my LEETURRA, The first bday I spent with you was when you turned 17. Today you turn 45. It’s a blessing to celebrate life with you year after year. You mean the world to me and our children. Happy Birthday, Baby. I love you, STILL. From your husband Van Vicker.”