$20k GoFund Opened For Beverly Afaglo

Beverly Afaglo

Actress Yvonne Nelson and Chase Fianko Bossman with support from other friends have teamed up to open a GoFund account to help raise funds for actress Beverly Afaglo to rebuild her gutted house.

On Monday August 9, 2021 Beverly sadly lost almost all her belongings after her Community 9 house was razed down to ashes by ferocious fire.

Nothing has been recovered from the house and she has since been squatting at her sister’s place with her children as she strategizes how to bounce back.

She told Hitz Fm on Tuesday that any form of support from people who care she will be appreciative.

“I don’t even have panties to wear. So anything is welcomed. I need to start building again. I need to get a place to stay. Yes I am staying at my sister’s house yes we all have rooms I’m comfortable but there is nothing like you having your own place,” she pleaded.

On Wednesday, Yvonne and Chase decided to open the the GoFund to get as many Ghanaians to support Beverly and the family with the little they have.

“Hi our names are Yvonne Nelson, and Fianko Bossman also known as Chase Forever, and We are fundraising for our sister Bervely and husband Choir master who have lost all their belongings in a fire that burned down their home.We are pleading with the public and all love ones to be touched in their hearts to donate something or anything that can help them get back on their feet thank you,” they wrote.

To support Beverly open https://gofund.me/f112ad3f and contribute as much as you can.

By Francis Addo