6th Miss Health Ghana Launched

Crowning moment of 2023 Winner, Christele Codo


The sixth edition of the much-anticipated pageant show, Miss Health Ghana, was launched yesterday in Accra.

Themed, ‘Health through Innovation for a Healthier and Sustainable Future’, Executive Director of Miss Health International, Gladys Akyere Rockson, said this year signifies an era where the pageant embraces technological advancements and innovation as pivotal drivers of improved health service delivery.

“We are in a time where the world’s focus on human health has never been greater, a time when all health professionals harness innovation to expedite access to treatment and facilitate more effective healthcare,” she said.

Speaking on the theme, Miss. Gladys said it is not just a call to action for today, but “a promise we make to the generations that follow–a future where our great-grandchildren can thrive in good health and vitality.”

“While diseases like cancer and organ failure continue to afflict young lives, we firmly believe that by fostering innovation and promoting sustainable health practices, we can create a healthier and more equitable future for all.

“Yes, we will not stand idle, we must leverage our collective talents and capabilities to make our world better,” she added.

Miss. Gladys further indicated that Miss Health Ghana has impacted thousands of lives with over 80 health projects and initiatives since its inception.

“It is a platform designed to empower young women to become champions of health initiatives and projects that positively impact their communities,” she said.

This year and in the years ahead, the pageant will place a greater emphasis on community-based initiatives, such as health talks and medical screening in schools and communities, and collaborative projects with healthcare organisations and corporate Ghana to improve the lives of the less privileged in our rural communities.

On the eligibility criteria, Miss Gladys indicated that prospective contestants must be health students, health workers, health enthusiasts and must be between the ages of 18-30 years and not married

She also added that auditions will be held on September 22 at Marriott. 20 selected queens will compete; only 10 will make it to the grand finale.

The Grand finale will be on November 2 at Marriott. “We encourage all our contestants to embrace this opportunity to make a lasting difference. This year, we promise a top-notch production which will be on our YouTube channels as well as our partner TV station,” she added.

By Prince Fiifi Yorke