Adentan Imam Hints Development Programmes

Imam Mohammed Mutawakil Napari (third from left) during the visit


The recently installed Adentan Municipal Chief Imam, Sheikh Mohammed Mutawakil Napari, has announced a fresh approach to the development of the community.

During a visit to the DAILY GUIDE yesterday, he announced that he plans integrating Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) education in Islamic education within his municipality.

Speaking to the DAILY GUIDE during the visit, he stated that “the role of the imam should not be restricted to the mosque but to the community as a whole irrespective of faith. I intend to introduce development novelties to the clerical assignment of imams. There is the need to connect with the youth through the provision of skills so that they do not present idle hands for the devil to manipulate.”

Such developments which are enshrined in the religion, he said, should be extended to the whole community and the country as a whole so that others would emulate it.

The weekly sermons or Khutbas of imams during the Friday congregational prayers should be centered on current affairs with the view to transforming society, he said, adding that “imams need guidance in the religious roles they perform.”

The youthful imam is a product of the Ambariya Islamic Institute, Tamale, Tamale Senior High School and the University of Ghana, Legon.

He taught Arabic in the UK for sometime before returning home.

By A.R. Gomda
