Are You That Desperate, President Ogwanfunu?

I bring you greetings from Kubease, my holy village. I hear the rich coconut from my village helped in healing the wounds you had as a result of the merciless beating you suffered at the hands of that short man. Your recent public appearances show that you are completely healed.

I do not remember sending you a congratulatory message when you were overwhelmingly endorsed by your party folks as the Umbrella’s flag bearer. Please accept my warmest felicitations.

Sir, many moons have since passed and one is yet to hear you speak about any new plans for the electorate. All you keep on saying is “I will review this” or ” I will maintain that”. Many of your compatriots doubt your sincerity when you make such pronouncements. They say you are making those promises out of desperation. 

For instance, they doubt if you are really sincere in your decision to review the Free SHS policy because you have never believed in it. They also say your recent claim to maintain allowances for trainee nurses and teachers is a ploy to hoodwink the electorate to vote for you. 

I personally find your sudden U-turn reassuring, but I doubt if many others think same. Many say they have not forgotten your intransigence and sheer callousness on the matter, so they cannot believe in the genuineness of your U-turn. They say it’s a sign of desperation.

Many have also condemned you for saying the Umbrella would not accept any “flawed” electoral results, but I beg to differ. I would not accept a “flawed” result too if I were the leader of a political party. Indeed, any true lover of democracy would agree with your stance and I expect the Elephant to do same.

My confusion, however, is what you mean by the word “flawed”. Are you suggesting that the compilation of a new electoral roll would lead to a flawed 2020 polls?  And now that your party has conceded in court that the Electoral Commission ((EC) has the mandate to compile a new voters’ register, what would be your new excuse?

No matter the flaws you may find in the electoral process, I’m confident that you and your party folks will not allow your revolutionary roots to blind your sense of reasoning. The Supreme Court should be the avenue for you to seek redress. If you could become president with results such as “27-0” representing “270” votes, then I doubt if you have the moral right to accuse others of electoral malpractice.

Mr. Ogwanfunu, your second coming has been warmly received by some and vehemently rejected by others. One of your reasons for a second attempt at the presidency is to right the wrongs of the past. I wonder if the wrongs include making sure “Government Official 1 (GO1) returns the Airbus deal loot.

By the way, who at all is GO1? Many accusing fingers are pointing straight at you and we expect you to break your silence on the matter. For a man who responds to all manner of allegations, your silence on the role of GO1 in the Airbus scandal is very defeaning.

Do you think being silent will make your compatriots forget the matter? I’m sorry, Mr. President. You are mistaken if you still believe your compatriots have short memories because many will continue to ask questions until the truth is finally unravelled.

You see, many of your compatriots were livid when they heard you had sold about 75% of the country’s bauxite to your younger brother. They suspect, and justifiably so, that you are desperate for a comeback so you could sell off more state assets to your family members

Frankly, your name is gradually losing value as the corruption tag hanging on your neck is becoming stinkier by the day. Your appointees have made things worse after recently being found guilty by a competent court and made to march morosely to jail. Others too are shamelessly offering to refund cowries stolen from the state. Sir, how did you feel when you read that your former appointee was willing and ready to refund

GH¢15million he looted from the state?

I could imagine many reactions, but I’m sure being shocked was none of them. How could you be shocked when it is an open secret that you and your appointees operated the “create, loot and share” policy when you were at the helm of affairs? Maybe, just maybe, what will shock you is how easily he gave up instead of putting up a fight in court as the others are doing.

 Sir, I would love to wish you success in your bid to become president for the second time; but I cannot help wondering if the lame horse is strong enough to take you to the finishing line. A cursory observation shows that the horse has difficulty walking due to the same injury on the left foot. That too is a sign of desperation, isn’t it?

If I were you, I would first prove my innocence in all the corruption allegations by speaking up and providing evidence. I will also make sure the lame horse is completely healed before taking it to the race course. But I doubt if a man infected by the “dead-goat” syndrome would listen to such wise counsel.

I wish you well. And whatever the outcome of the 2020 polls, remember that the power of the state can withstand any tomfoolery. 

I hope to write to you again after the polls, Deo volente!