Ato Forson Begs A-G Amidst Intense Pressure To Discontinue Ambulance Purchase Trial Unveiled

Godfred Yeboah Dame and Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson


In a riveting courtroom revelation, the Office of the Attorney-General and Ministry of Justice has divulged the alarming intensity of pressure exerted by various parties seeking to derail the ongoing ambulance purchase trial implicating Minority Leader, Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson.

The trial took an unexpected turn when Richard Jakpa, the third accused, made startling allegations against Attorney General Godfred Dame during a tense cross-examination session.

Jakpa disclosed that the AG had persistently solicited his cooperation in fabricating evidence against Dr. Ato Forson, a claim vehemently denied by the Attorney General’s office.

Justice Afia Serwah Asare-Botwe intervened, cautioning Jakpa to provide direct responses instead of evading queries, emphasizing the imperative of expeditiously conducting court proceedings without unnecessary delays.

The contentious exchanges escalated as the Attorney-General rebuked Jakpa for purportedly defending the Minority Leader, triggering a fiery rebuttal from Jakpa, who decried the AG’s alleged overtures to secure false testimony against Dr. Forson.

Contrary to Jakpa’s accusations, the Attorney-General clarified in a statement that it was the third accused who proactively sought plea bargaining through multiple letters spanning from April to June 2023, which were not acquiesced to by the prosecution.

The Attorney-General categorically refuted engaging in any coercive tactics or inducing the accused to provide spurious testimonies, emphasizing adherence to due legal processes and ethical standards in prosecuting the case.

Moreover, the Attorney-General decried the latest allegations as a strategic ploy orchestrated by the National Democratic Congress (NDC) to undermine the prosecution and obfuscate the core issues underpinning the financial malfeasance entwined within the case.

The intense scrutiny on the Attorney-General underscores a broader climate of political pressure and machinations aimed at impeding the due course of justice, as articulated by the AG’s office.

Amidst mounting pressures to terminate the prosecution against Dr. Ato Forson, the Attorney-General affirmed unwavering commitment to upholding the rule of law and pursuing justice impartially, undeterred by external influences or partisan agendas. Emphasizing procedural integrity and prosecutorial independence, the Attorney-General staunchly refuted insinuations of collusion or undue interference in the trial proceedings, affirming steadfast dedication to truth and accountability in dispensing justice.

The escalating courtroom drama surrounding the ambulance purchase trial encapsulates a convoluted nexus of legal intricacies, political intrigue, and ethical lapses, underscoring the pivotal role of the judiciary in safeguarding the sanctity of justice and due process amidst turbulent adversities and contentious accusations.

By Vincent Kubi