Ayawaso Probe: Wala Chief Still In Possession Of Bullets

Nearly a month since the Ayawaso West Wuogon Constituency by-election shooting incident, a supposed chief of Wala is still reportedly in possession of unspecified quantities of empty ammunition shells he is alleged to have collected from the crime scene.

It would be recalled that while appearing before the Justice Emile Short Commission last week at the Osu Castle in Accra, DSP Abena Benewaa, the East Legon District Police Crime Officer, said the chief of Wala in Accra was with a collection of spent shells on that day but he refused to give the collection to the police.

She claimed the chief had briefed her that he had the collection of shells.

But after nearly four weeks since the shooting incident, the shells have not been taken from the chief for investigation.

Chairman of the Commission, Justice Short asked the Director of Operations of the Ghana Police Service, DSP Kwasi Ofori, why since that the day the chief had not been made to surrender the shells.

But the Police chief said he had detailed officers to visit the chief whom he said resides at Agbogbloshie, a suburb of Accra, to retrieve the bullets.

He told the Commission that the Chief is someone he knows personally and has interacted with on a number of occasions.

Interestingly, when Justice Short asked if he knew the name of the chief, he retorted no.

He also told the Commission that the Crime Officer of East Legon did not brief him about the Chief having the shells in his possession nor did she tell him also about the fact that two school kids from the La Bawaleshie Presbyterian Junior High School picked up two empty shells on that day and submitted to the police.

The shooting incident reportedly occurred at the residence of the NDC Parliamentary Candidate, Delali Kwasi Brempong on January 31, 2019 during the by-election.

BY Melvin Tarlue
