I’m Not Married- Vivian Jill On Viral Wedding Photos

Actress Vivian Jill has denied reports claiming she recently got married in a traditional wedding ceremony.

Rumours of her alleged wedding began circulating after photos and videos from the event went viral on social media.

In the images, both Vivian Jill and her alleged husband were seen dressed in Kente clothes, seated in a manner typical of a couple, prompting many Ghanaians to offer their congratulations.

However, Vivian Jill has since clarified that these images were not from a real wedding.

In a video shared on her Instagram, she explained that the photos and videos were actually from her YouTube series titled *Yaa Basabasa.

She apologized to those misled by the false reports.
“For days now, some videos and pictures have gone viral saying I was married. Sorry, I didn’t come out to address it on time. I thought everyone would notice it’s a movie. Please, I’m not married. It is my new series on YouTube titled, *Yaa Basabasa*. Please, if this issue of marriage affects anyone in any way, I’m sorry. I don’t want anyone to feel I’m playing with your heart or your mind, please forgive me. Find a place in your heart to forgive me,” she clarified.