In Loving Memory of Nala: Celebrating The Profound Connection Between Humans and Animals


They say that having a dog blesses you with some of the happiest moments of your life, but also some of the most challenging. On the 20th of May, 2023, I received a phone call that shattered my heart – our beloved Nala had passed away. The pain was deep, and even now, memories of her bring tears to my eyes.

Nala came into this world on a bright day in August 2019 and quickly became an integral part of our family. She wasn’t just a pet; she was a cherished member. Her affection for people, especially children, was extraordinary. Even in the face of playful tugs and rough interactions, Nala remained patient and kind, teaching valuable lessons of patience and gentleness.

A year after Nala’s arrival, life took an unexpected turn for me. A spinal problem halted my world, and during the months of recovery that followed, Nala’s true significance emerged. She transformed into my service dog, displaying unmatched obedience, intelligence, protection, and loyalty. Her companionship was a soothing balm during my lowest moments, as if she could sense my emotions and respond accordingly. Nala became my confidante, my therapist, and my source of boundless love.

However, life can be cruel, and Nala developed a tumor that ultimately took her from us. Her absence left a void that seemed impossible to fill. But Nala’s legacy lives on, reminding us of the deep bond between humans and animals – a connection that defies words and transcends boundaries.

To honor Nala’s memory and the incredible impact she had on our lives, I embarked on a mission to establish the Nala Memorial Lecture. This groundbreaking event, the first of its kind in Ghana, was organized by Tiwonisam Dogs World, my company, to highlight the significance of animals in our lives and the positive contributions they make. The lecture drew a diverse crowd, including esteemed guests like Hon. Issah Fuseini, Hon. George Andah, Nana Kwame Bediako, Danny Laud, Chiefs, and Queen Mothers. Traditional music filled the air, adding to the event’s cultural richness.

In our dominion over animals, lies the responsibility of their well-being. Responsible pet ownership and animal welfare are essential, and the growing acceptance of pets in our culture is proof of their positive influence. Pets may not be human, but their unconditional love enriches our lives in profound ways.

Nala’s journey may have ended, but her spirit lives on, reminding us of the power of love, companionship, and the unbreakable bond between humans and animals. Nala was never able to bring forth puppies, but her love for children and even puppies was phenomenal. It’s this extraordinary love that drived us to donate to the Son Noma Foundation Orphanage, ensuring that Nala’s legacy continues to bring smiles to the faces of these children, just as she did for us.

By: Samuel Kuteba Tiwonitaaba

Profession: Dogs and Tigers trainer/ businessman

About the author:

Samuel Kuteba Tiwonitaaba is the dedicated organizer behind Nala’s Memorial Lecture. With a deep passion for animals, particularly dogs, he has channeled his commitment into promoting responsible pet ownership and animal welfare. Samuel’s vision for Nala’s Memorial Lecture stems from his profound bond with Nala, a beloved dog and therapist whose memory he seeks to honor. Through this event, Samuel aims to inspire others and underscore the extraordinary connection between humans and animals. His dedication to this cause reflects his desire to create positive change within his community and beyond.
